I have an old Johnson Super Sea-Horse 40 Electramatic with no spark. Noticed this is a common problem in other posts. Wanted to get a repair/maint manual to fix but dont know the year and can not find a model/serial plate on it. Also I just bought a boat with a Mercury 40 on it (model ?, serial 5659054). The prev owners took it out this year some with no prob. I bought, dropped it in, motor ran fine first 5-10 min. Turned off for 5-10 min. Started back OK but after an addition 5 min under way the motor bogged to where full throttle is half what it was. Starting now is also sluggish. Tried new fuel, plugs look OK, fuel filter flushed out and still reduced pwr. Can you tell me the year of both and what's possibly up with the Merc? Thanks!<br />jondspen (Beginner Boater)