Need to refit trailer to new boat


Mar 19, 2007
I have a trailer that has two 3500lb axles and springs and was built to fit a 21' boat tops It needs to be made longer to accomedate a 26' boat, I looked another trailer like it that had a larger boat, it looks like the only difference is the a longer tongue, and they slid the axles forward a set of bolt holes.
The 26' boat is about 5000 or more pounds, but the last owner had it on a single axle trailer with the bow extending over the tow vehicle when in tow.
I like to have some distance between me and the boat, especially for launching.
If I make a new tongue out of 3 x4" tubing, the tongue will be allmost 12' long overall, it's 9' now. I think so long as I use a heavy enough guage tubing I should be fine?
The intitial goal is to simply get this boat home, if I need to find a larger trailer later, then so be it, but for now, this is what I have and a new tongue is a cheap remedy. I can by a length of tubing for under $50 and weld up a new tongue in no time. The main frame is as long as the new trailers they sell down at the marina that are under 26 and 28' boats and mine is also wider with heavier axles.
Also, should I step up to a 15" tire from the existing 14" to gain some capacity? It would add some unwanted height though.

I could also add the the main frame, but since this is a deep V style trailer with v shaped crossmembers, make them up would be a hassle.
I've had as long as a 24' boat on this trailer as it sits, but it was a bit short, and this 26' is a lot more boat than that one was.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Need to refit trailer to new boat

have you considered extending the bunks. what does it have on it now, if 4x8 or 4 x 10 you could add length with the bunks.


Mar 19, 2007
Re: Need to refit trailer to new boat

This one has four sets of 16 rollers, the rear set are mounted on the rear crossmember and overhang the trailer about 25".
The axle can be moved about 30" forward if needed, and the tongue can be unbolted and swapped out, I just have to make a duplicate hinge plate and pivot. I would most likely save the old tongue so I can put it back the way it is if I find a larger trailer later.

The boat looks heavy, it's got twin 175 Evinrudes on it and has a full galley, bunk, and head in front and just below the level of the pilot house. The captain sort of looks out over the top of the cabin roof. It's a pretty high boat too, both in the bow and the overall height. I am 6' 3" tall and can't reach the top of the windshield while standing on the deck and with it sitting on blocks about 18' off the ground, I can't touch the rub rail. The rear of the boat drops off to about 60" of height to the top of the gunwale with the keep 18" off the ground. I have had larger boats and am used to dealing with weight, but what gets me is that this boat was on a single axle trailer, although it was a super duty trailer frame, it only had one 3500lb rated axle. and 5 leaf springs.
I can't imagine that that was safe at all. An educated guess of it's weight would be at least 5500 lbs, but possibly as much as 7500 or more. I saw another one nearly just like it, although a different brand, sitting on a three axle trailer. I do know that the last owner had trailered this boat, but no far. It's been sitting in dry dock for a few months now after the trailer was sold out from under it. It's a lot of boat, probably more than I wanted or need, but it is free and the motors run perfect and check out fine.

I may simply try to get it on the trailer as it is, but I am concerned with bow to truck interference, I have only a full size van and a pickup with a cap that is pretty permanent. The trailer I plan to use is the one I use for my 19' boat, I use that one since it's a bit longer than the boat and keeps my truck dry when launching.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Need to refit trailer to new boat

change out the tongue.


Mar 19, 2007
Re: Need to refit trailer to new boat

A new tongue was sort of already going to be the first order of business for that trailer anyhow, but with this boat, it will just be a bit longer than I had originally planned. I priced galvanized tubing here yesterday, they want $22 per foot. I think it's getting plain steel and paint. It would cost me over $350 to make the new tongue out of galvanized tubing, and even then I'd have the ungalvanized welded joints to deal with. A $50 bill will do it out of mild steel tubing. I don't generally launch is saltwater anyhow, if I do, it's only a few times a year the trailer gets pressure washed and sprayed down with saltX anyhow.

I gave up on those galvanized trailer axles long ago too, they don't seem to last very long and most aren't nearly as strong as a good heavy guage mild steel tubing axle. The first set of axles I made are over 10 years old now and still are fine, the original stamped steel galvanized axle only lasted 4 years.