Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude


Apr 12, 2004
Hi,<br /><br />I'm about to buy a +/- 25 year old, 115hp V4 Evinrude. the model is a light blue and gray one... (sounds like my girlfriend when I asked her what car she bought: "a green one." no kidding!)<br /><br />I am buying the engine of a dealer. Now ofcourse he says it's a good engine, and that it's ready to go. I saw it and indeed inside and out it looks great. Original state, not cleaned but clean! I will try include into the price a new impellor, new shaft oil, and at least 2 months warranty. Next to that I will do a compression test. And try to find out its history and what the dealer has done to it. I will try to get the exact year but maybe the info so far is enough for some to help me out.<br /><br />Because what i'd like to know is, what is your opinion on the engine itself is it a good one? Is there more I could and should do? I'm planning on making a few runs when I bought it and then check the shaft oil for: water = milky and for steel shavings/debris. And then very important what should the compression test results be like and is the following the right procedure?<br /><br />Quote: 'Warm the engine, then shut it down and remove all the spark plugs. Crank the engine, recording each cylinder's reading. Compare the results with the specifications listed in the repair manual. (don't have one yet) As for the data you'll get, if readings are low on adjoining cylinders, it usually indicates a leaking head gasket. squirt about an ounce of oil into any cylinder that reads low, than crank through several revolutions. Test again. If the readings climb higher the rings are worn. otherwise, the valves aren't sealing." quoted from Tim Banse.<br /><br />I hope I'm on the right track here this being my start to boating... And that there is some more advise for me out there! thanks for your time and input!<br /><br />Jan-Jaap Boor


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

If the readings climb higher the rings are worn. otherwise, the valves aren't sealing
What valves?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

Sounds like the instructions assume you are testing a 4 stroke engine.<br /><br />If your absolute readings are over 100psi and all cylinders fall within a 10% range it is fine.<br /><br />Otherwise, skip it.


Apr 12, 2004
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

What valves? Heck, I dunno! hmmm Ask Tim Banse? It was posted here on Aug. 15, 2001 08:39 AM... <br /><br />I was hoping to let a friend of mine who is a car mech. wonder about that. :) <br /><br />So the readings should be over 100 psi on all cylinders no dif. bigger then 10%. ok, that's good info! thanks JB! Any more advice that people can give me about this engine? would be very welcome!


Feb 16, 2003
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

Hi Dutch,<br />I thought I would give you another perspective as I read about gas prices in Europe. As you say, you are new to boating, so you may want to know, that this engine will use about 11 gallons per hour wide open throttle and about 7+ gallons per hour with cruising speed. Did you consider using 30+ liters of fuel per hour, from the price standpoint? <br />Other than this, check for healthy spark and good compression as stated in other posts. If you only can, run it on water before you buy it, not after.


Apr 12, 2004
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

Really! that much huh? well that sucks! a US fluid gallon is 3.8 liters right? 1 euro is 1.22$ then a gallon of gas would set me back 5.75 U$ so boating one hour @ 9 gallons is 51U$ hmmm rather expensive...<br /><br /> Are all old engines in this HP class that thirsty? Or should I be looking @ another brand


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

It really doesnt matter how old -- or new -- a motor is. General rule of thumb -- A gasoline motor will burn 1 gallon of fuel per hour to produce 10 hp. <br /><br />IE -- a 115 will burn 11.5 gallons per hour at wot to produce that horsepower. <br /><br />Bass and Walleye Boats magazine just did 2 boat tests with 150 hp motors. The first boat used a 150 HO E'rude and burned 15.0 gallons per hour at wot. The other was a Honda 150. At wot it burned 15.2 gph.<br /><br />Obviously when youre cruising you burn less because you are making less horsepower.


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

Those were great motors and should give you trouble free service if maintained properly.<br /><br />Cruise around this site and soak up "care and feeding of motors" to your hearts content.


Apr 12, 2004
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

O.K. Thanks, I sure will cruise this site a few more times for my harts content ;-) I already printed most of the FAQ about propellers, rpms, and maintenance stuff like winterizing your outboard. Outboards are rather (more) expensive here in Europe.(this one is 3025U$ considered a bargain) So I am trying to make sure that I do the best I can! <br /><br />I'm planning on taking this combo ('71 Glastron GT-160 and 115 hp Rude) wakeboarding so gas consumption shouldn't be all that much... as this is not done @ high speed.<br /><br />Yeah, I'm getting a good feeling about this engine. It looks good, it has grunt... we'll do fine! I just need to run a few tests before we make a deal.


Feb 16, 2003
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

Yes Dutch, we are talking big bucks on gas, excuse me… big euros :) ! Your numbers are correct. Make sure you can live with those 30 liters per hour, at least. And one hour navigating is not too much for some wakeboarding fun… BTW, you will need the two stroke TCW-3 oil too, as the two stroke engines use the gas-oil mix. So the final price tag will be gas plus oil!<br /><br />Also, you must consider other expenses, you will probably want to change some things on your rig after the purchase, get something new, maybe change the propeller to make it suitable for your needs, etc. Have you considered other things, like keeping the boat in the shed, especially in winter? All those things usually are not cheap. Browse the posts here to get the general feeling. Don’t want to sound pessimistic, but checking locally for 25 years Evinrude parts’ availability could also be a good move, I think that’s quite possible you’d have to get most of them on the Internet. And try the stuff before you decide.


Apr 12, 2004
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

Thanks man! yeah I Guess I can/have2 live with the € as for the gass bill... Good thing about wakeboarding... I won't be alone! ;-) And I did a quick check tc-wc3 is about 20€ for 1.5 gallon (5 liters) first one I found online. so 1:100? is that right? bit more to be sure? (hold your horses! i'll check b4 anything) And the prop that is on the engine is quite good for my boat...<br /><br />As for winter storage I'm cool on that. The boat is in a garage and the engine is in the shed (dry and cool) And for parts... well I guess I'm keeping my fingers crossed there I've seen the prices and let me tell you: PLEASE, please don't let me have to change to much! there is some stuff around 2ndhand, new original and non original... but very, very $$$ but hey 20 min with a wakeboard team is 25u$ so I'll beat that... And have the pleasure of my own vintage boat!


Feb 16, 2003
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

Well, definitely, having own boat has a nice side too! If you can, go for it and it will be a lot of fun.<br />About 1:100, I don’t know, check user manual or ask on appropriate board here (getting a manual would be good idea anyway). I think it might be 1:50, so make sure no to cause any damage.<br /><br />You season it starting, so have fun! <br />Yeah, that would be cool to visit Holland and have some Trappisten Triple :D !!


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

50:1 on the fuel for sure.


Apr 12, 2004
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

well, I hope to be visiting Panama for the waves one of the reasons of this boat is our total lack of waves. I read some stuff about some very nice waves down there! Not to mention the Game Fishing! As for the manuals I'm trying to find out where I can get them, here in Holland.<br /><br />You know what? If you ever come to Holland I'll drive you down to belgium and we'll raid Stella and Chimay and hit some of the less known monasteries I've been amping to do that for some time now! So no kiddin.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 31, 2003
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

Dutch1,<br /><br />One thing I noticed reference to compression testing.<br />When you do the test on a warm engine, all plugs are removed and the test is done with the throttle in the wide open position (WOT).<br />Readers, correct me if I'm wrong please.


Mar 17, 2003
Re: Need some advise on a 115hp V4 Evinrude

TPD211, you car correct but I think you're also suppose to have all the plugs hooked up to a spark tester or there is a chance you will blow your powerpack. I seem to remember this from some posts on the OMC engine repair board.<br /><br />StillFisin'