Need some advice

Pound puppy

Jul 19, 2014
I have a 1986 Mercury 115 inline 6 "tower of power" that I am looking to sell and other than eBay and craigslist I have no idea where to post ads about it. And suggestions? Also how much to ask for it, not the entire engine is for sale just the power head since i am repowering with a 150. Not doing this because there is anything wrong i just need more power for my hull as it is too heavy for a 115.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
So you are going to swap in a inline six Merc 150HP powerhead? I cannot imagine you will get a lot for the 115 powerhead.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 8, 2011
the early 150 and the late 115 are the same minus a little bit of compression. There is no significant difference you will notice. the difference is essentially the way its rated. The late 115 has a MUCH better ignition system.
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Pound puppy

Jul 19, 2014
I picked up a completely rebuilt top and mid section 150 for a steal from a buddy who's customer didn't pay him for the work done. I recently bought the boat with the '86 motor on it which runs great and never given me an issue, but I would like a little more power since this seems to struggle on my old Mako with 5 people on board. I figured I could spend the money for a little extra and keep all of the controls etc and be $3k-$10k ahead of the game. Everyone that I have read post from seems to rave about these motors so I figured i could at least make most if not all my money back on the 115 powerhead. Wired- so you're saying that I will not notice a difference from the 115-150? I don't expect night and day, just a slight bump would be nice. I would like it to perform the same loaded as it does now dry.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 8, 2011
There is nonoticeable difference. 5 HP from the lower compression or so but you have to run reduced timing with the 150 so its probably a wash. The old 150 (1500) was rated at the crankshaft. When mercury changed their rating system to rate HP at the prop in the early 80's/late 70's the 150 became the 140 when the V6 came out to avoid confusion and then morphed into the 115. Same motor. Little less compression but thats a good thing since the higher compression pistons tended to burn the deflectors. Same piston ported semi looper block with the POWER PORTS. Better ignition systems on the late 115's. Better by a long shot.

The 150 ended up becoming the 115. You had the better of the two already.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Agree with wired, sell the 150 and put the 115 back on as same motor.

Pound puppy

Jul 19, 2014
So even though it is another tower but one that is a 150 you don't think it will be any more powerful than the 115 tower that I have? Both are straight 6's. I'm just finding it hard believe that a block for a 115 will produce the same power as a block for a 150. I understand that your knowledge of this motor is greater than mine but understand why I have my doubts.

Also aside from this what would a fully rebuilt tilt and trim go for?


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 8, 2011
Once again. The 150 is rated rated differently than 115 and I dont mean the number is different . Its like you were explaining to someone from Europe how your boat will go 60. Theyr'e thinking in Kilometers and arent impressed. Apples and Oranges. Before 1982 Mercury rated its L6's at the crank. After 1981 they rated them at the prop. The old 150 crank rated motor is now the 115. Its the same thing. They did a few other changes at the same time that made the newer 115 a better motor than the old 150. Where it gets confusing is that Mercury introduced the 150HP V6 in 1978 and decided to start calling their old 150 HP L6 the 140 HP so the buying public wouldnt get confused . Then it became the 115. Same motor internally give or take very minor differences you wouldnt ever notice. The mid 80's 115 might not walk away from the old 150 because its essentially the same thing. same cubic inches, same reed cages and reeds, same carbs except for the economizer circuit, same porting, same "direct charge" power ports and ALMOST the same pistons ( dunt care less compression ) . the 80's 115 will run longer with less screwing around with it though.

The old 115 is a different motor than the 80's 115. I understand its easy to get confused given they use the same number. The lower uses up a good bit of power although Mercury never bothered trying to use actual horsepower numbers in its advertising. The 80's 115's were more likely 125-130 HP at the prop and they were more like 145-155 at the crank and the old 150 was probably about the same.

Cars went through the same thing in the early 70's when they changed the way they reported HP. 325 HP became 250 HP and a generation of souls was lost.
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