Need some advice for water starting single ski


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 25, 2011
Hi all,

I've read through a bunch of the other posts on this subject, watched a few tutorials online (which all make it look amazingly easy, btw) but am still in need of a few tips from the experts out there.

I've just learned to ski this summer and think i'm doing pretty well. I have no problem starting on 2 ski's and then dropping one straight away and can ski for quite a while turning to both sides outside of the wake. I'd like to learn to start on one ski because the dropped ski is never where you left it, and can sometimes be a challenge to find several minutes later. So i thought i would try water starting on a single ski last weekend. I got close on one of my multiple attempts but that was about it.

My brother is trying to instruct me, and he is able to do it behind my boat (he's 5'9 and about 210lbs). I'm about 5'9 and 185, so i'm sure the boat is adequately powered (18 ft Glastron with 3.0L Volvo). When i pull my brother up, i just give it full throttle and leave it there until he is up and then settle in to about 26mph for skiing.

I'm using the technique my brother uses, which is knee up to chest with about 8-12in of the ski out of the water. Other foot slightly behind me for balance, and elbows in tight to the body and hands against my stomach. However, every time i try i'm getting yanked forwards and falling over the front of the ski. Do i just have to extend my back more, or should the driver be accellerating more slowly or anything?? Any tips would be appreciated.




Mar 9, 2009
Re: Need some advice for water starting single ski

Well, the 3.0L isn't doing you any favors, but it can be done. Are you putting both feet in the bindings, or are you dragging the rear foot when starting out? Dragging the rear foot generally results in less drag and helps the boat get on plane quicker. I have my front knee to my chest and try to hold that crouched position until the boat planes out and then I can stand up.

86 century

Sep 8, 2009
Re: Need some advice for water starting single ski

This my way might help you

Front leg straight back leg bent as far as posible lean back and get ready to take some water in the face.
With the small eng you will drag a bit but you can do it.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 25, 2011
Re: Need some advice for water starting single ski

I'm trying dragging my back foot for some extra stability. I'll keep trying this weekend and let you know if i make any progress.

As for water in the face - already getting lots!;)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 2, 2010
Re: Need some advice for water starting single ski

I might be misunderstanding when you say hands against your stomach, but are your arms straight? You probably know that they should never ever bend, but just checking.

Eat your front knee and do whatever feels comfortable with the back foot. Some people drag, some keep it in the binding - I press my tip toes against the toe plate and slip my foot in as I'm coming up.

All you should think about is your shoulders. When you go face first, you're letting your center of gravity get in front of your feet, and the location of your shoulders controls your center of gravity. Focus on keeping your shoulders back and the rest of your body will naturally come up into position as the ski planes out.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 25, 2011
Re: Need some advice for water starting single ski

I've tried both arms straight and arms bent. I'll stick with arms straight as i've gotten closer to getting up that way. I'll try to focus on my shoulders etc when i'm trying again this weekend. Thanks for all of advice so far...


Mar 9, 2009
Re: Need some advice for water starting single ski

Your arms should be out straight, but with elbows unlocked. There's no reason to hold your hands in because it just forces you to fight the boat even more.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 2, 2010
Re: Need some advice for water starting single ski

I've tried both arms straight and arms bent. I'll stick with arms straight as i've gotten closer to getting up that way. I'll try to focus on my shoulders etc when i'm trying again this weekend. Thanks for all of advice so far...

Arms are never, ever bent when skiing. Elbows unlocked as haulnazz says, because you will need to flex a little occasionally. Bent arms = wipeout.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 25, 2011
Re: Need some advice for water starting single ski

Hi All,

Just wanted to say thanks for all of the tips and advice. Was able to get up this past weekend on one ski. Arms straight and focussing on shoulder placement in relation to my feet helped a lot. Now i just need to be able to do it consistently. I'll keep practicing...