some time back a poster,(his picture,a tiny boat and a giant outboard)posted a formula for determining the pitch of a propeller.i need that formula bad.i cant find it.if anyone knows it please post. thank you,ed cooper
There's usually several new and used Stainless Steel props on Ebay at any given time.<br /><br /><br />Sorry for the multiple posts.....I pressed " " instead of edit!<br /><br /><br />(I hate when I do that!)
thanks guys;what i was looking for was a formula that used a measured template of the angle of the prop blade face of an unknown pitch prop to determine the pitch. i found it nov 05 but it could have been a much earlyer post cause i was looking everywhere.wonse more, the member who posted (his pic was a very very short boat with a huge outboard motor)if that helps identity.thanks again for your replys--------------ed cooper.
good news;but first thanks again.i tried all suggested and then kept searching.found formula in the prop section (how strange)dummy.posted by wimperdink on oct 5 2005 titleled "figuring out prop pitch".if this helps anyone else,great.----------best forum--ed cooper