Hey guys I have a 1991 Bass Tracker TX19 Fiberglass boat. I cannot find much information online on this boat. Seems like they only made it a few years. I am trying to figure out how this livewell works. It was two livewells behind the driver and passenger seats. The switch has ON/AUTO/OFF. The on works just fine and the auto seems to work when it wants to and doesn't really shut off at any certain level. The water fills from the top. There are two holes that water does not come out of and I wonder what they are for? The holes are pretty high up and I think it has something to do with the automatic feature. There are currently two plugs that need to be in the drain on each live wall because the drain does not completely close up and a small amount of water leaks without the plugs in the drains. I just don't understand what the aeration part of the live well is. Is the automatic feature supposed to flush out the water and bring in fresh?