Re: Need Input on Outboards
Howdy, Sam. The info I gave you on Minn-Kotas and deep cycle batteries is correct.<br /><br />The Nissan 5hp 2 stroke is a single cylinder. A small twin would be much smoother but about 6lb heavier. I recommend the Johnson 4 or the Johnson 6.<br /><br />Nissan does make a 4 stroke, single cylinder, 5hp motor which weighs only about 5 lb more than the Johnson 6hp 2 stroke twin.<br /><br />Four stroke engines are smoother, quieter, cleaner, more economical and easier to use than most 2 stroke engines. A good small 4 stroke single is almost as smooth as a 2 stroke Johnson twin. Other good small 4 stroke engines are made by Yamaha and others.<br /><br />I agree with Cabowaboranger (sp?) that a gas engine would be your best solution. Big, deep cycle batteries are HEAVY. My personal choice for a little 10' glass boat for gentle cruising, trolling, etc. would be the little Yamaha 4 stroke, with the Nissan a second choice.<br /><br />Good luck.<br />JB