need some help from anyone who has replaced a thermostat on a newer volvo penta engine. (2005).
When I removed the housing from the intake manifold, the thermostat was pushed all the way up into the housing cavity above the lip where there is an o ring. Is this normal?
When I install a new thermostat, where do I place the thermostat and which side of the thermosat does the o ring sit? My Clymer manual is not much help. There is no reference to an o ring at all.
When I removed the housing from the intake manifold, the thermostat was pushed all the way up into the housing cavity above the lip where there is an o ring. Is this normal?
When I install a new thermostat, where do I place the thermostat and which side of the thermosat does the o ring sit? My Clymer manual is not much help. There is no reference to an o ring at all.