I used to install these things years ago, but getting old has seem to catch up with my memory!<br /><br />I have a Mercruiser with a 351 Windsor Ford engine. (Don't know the mercruiser identification, but I think its 5.8L ?)<br /><br />Anyhow, it has a heat exhacger mounted on the front of the engine. The exhaust manifolds say NICSON on them. They are THRU-HULL exhaust.<br /><br />How does this work? I can see that the large radiator hoses go from the exhcanger to the engine water pump and block. These hoses have antifreeze in them.<br /><br />There is one hose coming FROM the stern drive/gimball and connecting to one side of the heat exchanger. There are other hoses coming out of the exhaust manifols both front and back and eventually hook into the bottom of the heat exchanger, one on each side of it.<br /><br />Ok, now this is where I'm confused... <br />Obviously the exhaust needs cooled since there are hoses coming out of them, but how does water get into them? I don't see any pumps other than the water pump mounted on the engine (like a car pump)Ther is no sea-water pump.<br /><br />Hooking a hose to the stern drive doesn't seem to work. Could it be clogged somewhere? Even so, with nothing to 'pump' it in, how do I get water?<br /><br />And how would a person be able to run this engine out of the water like you would if it was a normal stern drive intake?<br /><br />This engine has some plastic garden hose connections inline on the hoses that go to the exhaust (2 on each side). I'm assuming this is where a person can hook a garden hose to when running the engine out of the water, but I have no idea if this will work, or pump water into my engine!<br /><br />Any web sites or information on howq this thing works and/or looks like inside would be GREATLY appreciated!!<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />H.