Need help with a 1999 johnsnon 15


Seaman Apprentice
May 25, 2008
i Purchased a 1999 Johnson 9.9/15ho carb from a local marina in march. First two times out it ran flawless. Since then here is the issue. Upon starting with the RPM's high it runs great. As soon as i back down the throtle to idle to put it in gear it sputters and chokes out. It will do this repeatedly until i touch the idle adjust screw on the side of the carb. I took it back to the marina and of course being the day after i went out it ran fine. He did find a crack in the electric primer hose which then prompted me to replace all the fuel lines. Still no help. Over the 5 times i have had the boat out sitting a few weeks between outing each time i return to the lake i need to pop the hood and adjust the screw. This last time i had it out adjusted the screw was running fine, then later on while idling it sound as if it was missing or almost going to dead stop from idle 3 times in about a 5 minute interval. A friends brother said there may be varnish build up in the carb. What cleaner do you guys live by? Could it also be the needle valve i have to adjust every time?


Seaman Apprentice
May 25, 2008
Re: Need help with a 1999 johnsnon 15

Tash Thanks for the info. There was a lot of good reading in there. I already started running the Seafoam but being the second owner who knows what the other guy did. Does the issue i am having sound like a carb cleaning issue? I saw the kits online, 33 bucks for the gaskets and pins. I am very well versed around tools but have never done a carb. Are they pretty staight forward? From the diagram it doesnt look too complicated but if there are tricks i would like to know in advance. From your other post i feel 100% confident i would be able to accomplish the task.