Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
I have a chance to pick up a late 50s or early 60s i think it's a Crestliner 18' with cuddy, Has a hatch in the nose deck and 2 fixed portholes on each side. The boat is all alum hull with alum stringers, with plywood floor and front seat with aluminum frame, the boat is in exelent shape just needs new wood, i crawled under it and there is not so much as a scrach on the hull even at the bow. It's sitting on a dilly bunk trailer. What would a rig like that be worth? Also is Crestliner a good made boat? Any help appreciated.


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

With a boat that could be 50 years old it would be a wild shot to even guess - - never the less if it looks cruddy (that is in your favor) and needs wood + TLC I stab it at $6-800.00. Don't forget you will need a motor and trailer. The motor will probably be the most expensive item.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

The boat is on a dilly bunk trailer looks like a late model, even has the 15" tires on it, I can get the boat and trailer for $300 i would think the trailer would be worth that, i can't get over the fact the hull is in such great shape i can't see a scrape or dent anywhere the guy that has it said he sold it to a guy that was going to restore it but he had a stroke and sold it back, the boat is really wide and deep, I'm not real sure it's a crestliner because i can't find any of the older ones that had the fixed portholes in the bow any ideas :confused:


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

Bass Runner<br />I think your right about the trailer if its in good shape.Should be worth 300 by its self. Is it rivited together? (the boat) :) I don't think they started welding them until some time after 1990.<br />And you my try a Crestliners club on the net to get more information.<br />However for 300 bucks your not going to loose anything IMHO<br />But then I once bought a sail boat that didnt float :eek:

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

Yes it's rivited with the old style cable steering i wish i had taken a pic of it (thats worth a thousand words) it is a very wide deep boat i would say at least 6' beam with plywood floor about 6" above hull with aluminum stringers, the guy that has it said it was a crestliner? the hull design looks like crestliner but i can't find a site anywhere that shows one like it, none of the ones ive seen had the portholes in the bow, they have some kind of clear plastic inserts in them about 6" in dia. also it has small fins at the rear of the boat. Ive been driving myself nuts trying to find one like it on the net. :p


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 4, 2003
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

Did you try the Retro Crestliner site?<br /> Here's a link <br /><br />Or at ebay?<br /><br />Or at - they have a classic boat board.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

yes i've tried the Crestliner site you have there featherlite, thompson, every clasic and antique site i can find geeze what did i find here a freak of aluminum boats or what the more i look the more hair i loose, wish i had never ran into this boat it's going to put me in a rubber room. It is about 50 miles to go take a pic of the boat but i may have to do it. I should go buy the thing just to have one that no one knows what it is. :D

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

Finnally I think I found out what this thing is, it looks like a 58 or 59 Texas Maid Fiesta, now does anyone know anything about Texas Maids, geeze hate to be such a bother what really threw me was the guy that has it said it was a Crestliner. :confused:


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

Might take a look at this:<br /><br /> web page<br /><br />Or this 1965 16' Fiesta by Texas Maid<br /><br /> web page

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

Rickd what year is the one on the first web site, is it yours? That one is just like the one i'm looking at, i already found the one in the second web site it's a lot like it but dosn't have the little fins on the back. If that was your boat i was looking at in the first web site that is good looking, is yours 16 or 18' and did it have a metal frame for the front bench seat or not. The one iv'e been looking at dosn't have a windshild on it and the floor and seat needs replacing but all the metal even the seat frame is in good shape and the hull is excelent condition not even any scraches, even the aluminum stringers are straight and complete, about how much would a boat like that be worth on a good trailer? Thanks a lot for the post that's what iv'e been looking for. :cool:

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

Rickd also what size motor do you have on your boat and how does it perform as far as speed and stability?


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

Bass Runner <br /><br />I wish it was my boat, as I could do alot with it, but it's not. I do have an older restored Wellcraft, but that won't help you much. I just thought by showing you what I found while looking around, you might be able to identify that your boat was indeed the Texas Maid Fiesta. Sorry if I threw you off. I don't know the year on the ones pictured, but if they are close to yours, it may help you. I wish the guy on the web site had given more info on his boat...


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

here is the Texas Maid Logo<br /><br />
<br /><br />BTW- I'm still working on it. I have an E-mail to the owner asking the year. Will let you know if he responds..

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

oh ok i'm now wondering if this guy that has the boat is reg. it on a Crestliner title,(used car lot) I called him back and told him that the boat wasn't a Crestliner that it was a Texas Maid or Lone Star he said he would look at the title but he thought it was a Crestliner, I ask him about the year and same song and dance, I told him if i buy the boat that I wanted the title right and a noterized bill of sale for the boat and trailer he said ok, By the way we don't even tag trailers here in OK unless they are commerical or rv so there is no title for the trailer. Give me a yell when and if you get ahold of him i thought it might be your boat. See ya shortly :D ps the boat has been repainter and the stickers removed.


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

Bass Runner <br /><br />E-mail me. Have some info..<br /><br />

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

I sent sean a e-mail this morning now I guess all i can do is wait. Iv'e even tried finding antique or clasic club or web site and I guess all that anyone is interested in is old wood boats (christcraft, Owens) ect. can't find a single one, fiberglastics just has 61 and 63 year model catalogs boy it's tough finding on these old boats. Thanks again Rick.
Oct 30, 2004
Re: Need help.(Texas Maid Fiesta)Year?

Amazing what you can stumble across on the internet. :D How is the restoration coming along Bass Runner?<br /><br />Sean