Need help identifying Johnson or Evinrude 100-115hp Outboard


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 22, 2014
So bought this package deal that came with a 1989 bass tracker and a outboard motor.
Owner was not sure of the HP so stated it was a 115 Johnson from 1987.
Johnson didn't make a 115 in 1987 so when I went to look at it looked around for a id tag.
Found one on the tilt/trim assembly.
It states
Model: E100WTLCUA
Serial: R 1504553

Now according to that it would make it a 100hp Evinrude from 1987.
I asked him if he knew if the tilt/trim was replaced at all and he said he didn't think so but not sure.
Now all the decals from the cowl were removed and it was re-painted white by him.
Been on google for awhile trying to find something similar looking.
There's the breather vents on the cowl but cant find them on another one.
This is something stamped on the block
1853275 em 2

Its a V4 I believe with VRO system.

Is that model number correct? Is it a 100hp 87' Evinrude?
how come I cant find much of anything for 100hp outboards?

Attached are 2 pictures of it.

10698439_10203019646004486_3314570742878311558_n.jpg image_212422.jpg
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Chief Petty Officer
Nov 15, 2004
Look on the engine block for a 7/8" or so round domed button on top on the right side towards the back. If there, it is also inscribed with the model & serial number. Should match what you already found. If the same, then you already know what you have. Part lists online for the engine cover do show the vents. Now that you have it, replace the water pump, gear case oil, and check the compression on all 4 cylinders to be sure they are within about 10 - 12% of each other. Run it on a heavy mix of Seafoam to de-carbonize the cylinders and replace the spark plugs and your ready to go. That is if it is working in the first place. BTW, it is an Evinrude given the E at the beginning of the model number. Top Secret file at the top of this forum has lots of helpful information including the Decarb procedure.
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Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
That casting plug atop the engine should confirm just what it is. See pic of a typical casting plug The attached pictures are not of much help, other than to indicate the engine has an 88/89 cowling and has a correct telltale hose thru the cowling. Pictures with the cowling off are much more helpful-but the plug is the critical part in your investigation.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
The W indicates that it was a COMMERCIAL model rated at 100 HP and it is an 87 model.-----------The hood may be from a different model or customized..


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 22, 2014
Thanks for the responses.... Will get to play with it tomorrow probably and check for the casting plug/button thingy.
If it is a 1987 commercial 100hp Evinrude anything bad about them? Reliable? Is it bad that its a commercial?
How come there isn't much stuff on 100hp outboards? Google doesn't offer much..
Looked on about 5 local area craigslist and found one 100hp outboard from merc.

Also, I did check everything before I bought it. Compression is 110, 111, 115, 115.
It pisses water very good out of the tell tale.... Will do a gear oil change in the next few days...

One thing that needs fixed/replaced is the tilt pump I think? It is stuck all the way up and wont go down.
When the button is pushed you can hear a winding sound like its suppose to sound when the button is pushed just does
not move up or down. Maybe fluid has leaked out? Will check that tomorrow also...
Anything else that is could be I can check before buying a new pump or something?


Supreme Mariner
Nov 5, 2009
Big thing right now is to check the T/T fluid. Use Dextron II ATF.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
Good catch, it is a commercial outboard. It's a V4 crossflow. The outboard should run just like any other 100 hp engine, except it has a completely different gear ratio in the lower unit. Since it was made to push heavy, slow commercial boats, it's not a easily adapted to recreational use. A standard recreational gear ratio is 13:26, or .5. Your commercial gear ratio is 15:35, or .44 You will find you have to use significantly different prop sizes in order to make it run the way you want it to. The gearcase is perhaps slightly larger, as it will take 30-33 ounces of gear lube instead of the normal 23-26 ounces. It may also have other differences which will let it run on 67 (low) octane fuels-typically found overseas. Probably has more stainless hardware built into it from the factory.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 22, 2014
Think your right on more stainless. It's dirty but there really isn't a lot of rust. Hardly any...
The prop on it is a 14 1/2 x 19 I believe. Will that work?

Good news is the tilt and trim work fine. Fluid was low and it wasn't grounded so easy fix.
Have new question about starter so going to make new thread to figure out about the issue..

e/ Also it is a 87 Evinrude... The button thingy you guys spoke of was there and matched the other tag.

e/ Also if anyone has some free time and bored could someone help me try to find out what the cowl used to look like?
I want to see a original one in hopes of finding new decals. I can see through the paint he used kind of and can see some of the old decals.
If you face the motor from the side of the boat with the front of the outboard to your left and the exhaust to your right if you look at the bottom right of the cowl.
I can see "SUPER" in small print and "V4" in big print on it. Been looking on google and cant find anything.
They tilt/trim assembly does not looked like he painted.. It looks like a light light blue color
Any help will be appreciated.. thanks
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Supreme Mariner
Dec 9, 2005
Best way to tell if the prop is optimum is to run it and see what max rpm's you get on the tach on the dash. Should be at least 5500 at WOT. Anything under 5300 and you are lugging is-overpropped. Over 5700 and you are underpropped. You can probably find some pics of an 87 crossflow by using google on the web.