I have a 14 foot tidecraft powered by a 50 HP merc .. sn#3235201 .. the boat has been sitting for a cpl years.. trying to get it running good.. the 2 main probs I have are;<br />1. going into reverse it slips .. once i get it to lock i can not throttle or it will slip !!! what should I ck ??<br />2. fuel leaks from the carbs causing it to loose tank pressure ( i think that is why i loose tank pressure!! ) it is loosing pressure and fuel leaks from the carbs.. <br /><br /> It runs good but I would think that a 50 HP would push this little boat a lot faster than it does!! it is a basic fiber boat nothing in it but the tank , battery , and seats.. what size prop should it have !!!<br /> any help would be great!!! Thanks