Need Height


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 26, 2005
I am in the process of looking for a 24 foot cruiser so that I can trailer it. I have my eye on a 2000 Chaparral Signiture. I plan to store it on a aluminum float on trailer. My problem is that I need to know if the boat on the trailer will fit in my barn which has a ceiling height of 9'6". Does anyone know what the height of this boat sitting on a trailer would be?<br />Thanks


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Need Height

The manufacturer of the boat should be able to provide the top to keel dimensions. Not knowing what you mean by "storing on a aluminum float on a trailer" leaves me wondering what type of trailer you are talking about and how the aluminum float figures into this.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 26, 2005
Re: Need Height

Originally posted by Upinsmoke:<br /> The manufacturer of the boat should be able to provide the top to keel dimensions. Not knowing what you mean by "storing on a aluminum float on a trailer" leaves me wondering what type of trailer you are talking about and how the aluminum float figures into this.
I meant an aluminum dual axle trailer. I have the top to keel dimensions but still need to know how much higher those dimensions will be when the boat is sitting on the trailer. I am hoping it only will add another 15 inches from the ground to the bottom of the keel.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Need Height

Thom,<br />Only You can See your Trailer,+ Boat.......<br />It depends entirely on How the trailer is set-up,+ How deep the hull sits on the bunks.......<br />And, How Deep the hull is, in the 1st place......<br /><br />You'll have to figure out how low the hull sits on the trailer..........<br /><br />15"s Sounds a little Short...............


Dec 21, 2004
Re: Need Height

15"s Sounds a little Short
I second that Bondo. I can't see the bunks only being 15" off the ground. Consider that the trailer you will need will probably have 15" wheels on it. Then add in the height of the sidewall (multiply it by two) and you've got at least 20 inches. The bunks will be higher than that, or the fenders that covered the wheel would hit the bottom of the boat. Now the keel of your boat will be lower than the bunks, but not by too much. Anyone have a guess here?<br /><br />Thomv, if the difference in height between your boat's keel to top measurement & garage door opening is only 15", I don't think you're gonna make it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 26, 2005
Re: Need Height

Originally posted by TilliamWe:<br />
15"s Sounds a little Short
I second that Bondo. I can't see the bunks only being 15" off the ground. Consider that the trailer you will need will probably have 15" wheels on it. Then add in the height of the sidewall (multiply it by two) and you've got at least 20 inches. The bunks will be higher than that, or the fenders that covered the wheel would hit the bottom of the boat. Now the keel of your boat will be lower than the bunks, but not by too much. Anyone have a guess here?<br /><br />Thomv, if the difference in height between your boat & garage do opening is only 15", I don't think you're gonna make it.
Now you would think the Chaparral dealer would have a clue as to the keel to top dimension. I have called three and all three do not know. Go figure!


Dec 21, 2004
Re: Need Height

No I wouldn't figure that, actually! Dealers don't know that stuff, and they don't care. Now, they might know, and you could find the "bridge clearance", but that is not the number you need.<br />I assume the boat doesn't have a radar arch, right?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 26, 2005
Re: Need Height

I originally had a 24 foot Baja Sport and I do remember the very back of the keel was pretty low to the ground because of the way the boat sat on the trainer. It had a 24 degree deadrise.


Dec 21, 2004
Re: Need Height

Thom, I am on the phone with my dad, (who has a Chap Sig 300) who has experience with a 1995 Chap signature 24 on a trailer. He says that the bridge height of that boat was only 6.5 feet (no arch, we're talking water line to top of W/S.). And he did not think that when it was on the trailer, that the water line was 3 feet off the ground. So he says it'll fit in your barn! It'll be close but he thinks it'll fit. You may have to adjust the bunks on the trailer a little, to make it as low on the trailer as it can go, without hitting the fenders.


May 27, 2004
Re: Need Height

Since you're in Tampa, there should be no shortage of trailer boats. Go to some local ramps and observe how they sit on their trailers.<br /><br />
.... Consider that the trailer you will need will probably have 15" wheels on it. Then add in the height of the sidewall (multiply it by two) and you've got at least 20 inches. The bunks will be higher than that, or the fenders that covered the wheel would hit the bottom of the boat. Now the keel of your boat will be lower than the bunks, but not by too much. Anyone have a guess here?
The diameter of 15" trailer tires is about 28". Half of that puts the center of the axle at 14" above the ground. Many trailers (mine included) have "drop axles" which are lower in the center than at the hub ends. This allows the boat to sit lower on the trailer. Also, torison axles will place the trailer frame closer to the road than leaf springs. The fenders are outside the boat's width at that point of the hull. <br /><br />My boat's covered with snow right now, but my recollection is that the bottom of the hull is 15" or less from the ground, possibly as low as 12".<br /><br />The only way Thomv can know for sure is to measure it and it's going to be a close fit at best. There are companies that make "custom" trailers and they may be able to make one that puts the boat lower to the ground than usual.


Dec 21, 2004
Re: Need Height

rwidman, of course you are right that the only way for him to know for sure is to measure. But he doesn't have a trailer at this point. You have given him some very good features to look for.<br />I have no experience with torsion axles, so I'll have to believe that they sit lower. I did think about the drop axles, but I didn't think they could make up for that much height. I am thinking about all the brackets and stuff that were on my trailer, and it really added height. But like I said above, my dad disagreed with me, and I have to believe him.<br />Thom my dad lives in the Lakeland, FL area, and cruises all over FL. So if you're interested in joining a boat club, check these guys out,


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 26, 2005
Re: Need Height

Originally posted by TilliamWe:<br /> rwidman, of course you are right that the only way for him to know for sure is to measure. But he doesn't have a trailer at this point. You have given him some very good features to look for.<br />I have no experience with torsion axles, so I'll have to believe that they sit lower. I did think about the drop axles, but I didn't think they could make up for that much height. I am thinking about all the brackets and stuff that were on my trailer, and it really added height. But like I said above, my dad disagreed with me, and I have to believe him.<br />Thom my dad lives in the Lakeland, FL area, and cruises all over FL. So if you're interested in joining a boat club, check these guys out,
I will check them out. Thanks


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 26, 2005
Re: Need Height

THanks for everyone's help. I am still trying to find out the keel to top dimension. I am thinking of calling the manufacturer direct.


Nov 24, 2003
Re: Need Height

Originally posted by Thomv:<br /> I am in the process of looking for a 24 foot cruiser so that I can trailer it. I have my eye on a 2000 Chaparral Signiture. I plan to store it on a aluminum float on trailer. My problem is that I need to know if the boat on the trailer will fit in my barn which has a ceiling height of 9'6". Does anyone know what the height of this boat sitting on a trailer would be?<br />Thanks


Nov 24, 2003
Re: Need Height

I have a 2005 Chaparral Sig 240. My ceilings are 10 foot. You will have enough room with the 9' 6" ceiling. Mine won't clear the door coming in, so I had to take the windshield off. I had it off in about 15 minutes and then put it back on for the winter. Hope this helps. Bill


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 26, 2005
Re: Need Height

Originally posted by BillyWayne:<br /> I have a 2005 Chaparral Sig 240. My ceilings are 10 foot. You will have enough room with the 9' 6" ceiling. Mine won't clear the door coming in, so I had to take the windshield off. I had it off in about 15 minutes and then put it back on for the winter. Hope this helps. Bill