Need an opinion


May 8, 2012
At present, my 95 Javelin 379 DC is equipped with a 96 Johnson 150 Fast Strike with a Raker 14 1/2 X 24 SS 3 blade prop. I get on plane rather quickly (after doing a 15' wheelie!) and WOT seems to be 4800, GPS speed sez 58, but my speedo is showing 60-64. I have a manual jackplate :( , and with the motor trimmed all the way in, it looks like I could raise it about an inch + 1/2 to keep it just level with the hull. Would it be wise for me to raise the motor?
I also have a Renegade 13 1/2 X 23 SS - 4 blade, would changing to this prop get me out of the hole any quicker and on plane? Will I get a bit more speed at WOT?

and how in the heck do I keep this thing glued to the water instead of it jumping out like a porpoise????

This is my toy..


May 27, 2007
Re: Need an opinion

Your rpm's seem a little low maybe, not sure on that engine regarding WOT rpm range. The prop pitch question may be better fielded in the Props topic section.

I am thinking tabs would help the planing and at-speed porpoising.

The 15' wheelie is wasting some effort from your engine. Imagine if that was re-channeled via tabs to almost all forward motion force and let the hull plane out flatter. It would be more like a boat instead of a carnival ride though, so you may not be able to charge for the thrill anymore!

Automatic tabs like Smart tabs work well on that size of boat. If the stern is like a typical bass boat they make tabs special for that shape.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 15, 2012
Re: Need an opinion

+1 on the tabs

ordered mine yesterday many on here have recomended them.
Cost me $115 and some change for the set. Install them and then forget about them.