I have a ~1996 125 hp Mercury outboard turns over but doesn't start. It has gas and the hose bulb feels full after a few squeezes. The run/stop toggle is on "run", there is no lanyard type kill switch. I took a plug out, cranked the motor and saw no spark when grounded to a bolt on the block. Its sunny so a spark might be hard or impossible to see. When I first tried to start it, it seemed to fire once right at the beginning but after that nothing. Afterwards I noticed that the negative cable on the battery was very loose so I wonder if an instantaneous, arcing, contact or loss of contact might have blown a fuse. However, the owners manual only mentions a fuse for the start circuit where the starter will not turn over if it is blown. That is not my case, the starter spins the engine normally. I wonder if there is another secret fuse the owners manual doesn't mention that controls power to the coil or some electrical component that makes the spark. It sure acts as though there is no spark. The engine has been a reliable runner for 20+ years. It ran fine the last time I was out in June, now it was just that one momentary, initial, fire then nothing. Is there another fuse for the ignition or is my coil or something else haywire? Thanks. Eric