Nav lights on causing buzzing noise under cowling


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 5, 2003
Have a Yamaha 150 4 stroke that is emitting a humming noise when I turn on the navigation lights but does not do it with just the anchor light. (motor off) Possible short or bad rocker switch? Where do I start? Thanks


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Nav lights on causing buzzing noise under cowling

Ahhh -- check the nav light wiring.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 5, 2003
Re: Nav lights on causing buzzing noise under cowling

Wiring appears to be fine and all lights are operational.
Feb 17, 2012
Re: Nav lights on causing buzzing noise under cowling

proberly bad ground on the nav light so its trying to use another electicial item as a ground path (proberly a relay if its buzzing). remove the grounds (dc negatives) and clean them. some where the nav light ground should be on a ground buss. check with a meter is possible


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 5, 2003
Re: Nav lights on causing buzzing noise under cowling

If it is a bad ground would the lights not work?
Feb 17, 2012
Re: Nav lights on causing buzzing noise under cowling

in therory a light in parrallel with another load or a light turning on and off rapidly will still light just a little duller. you may have something wired wrong but as a rule of thumb if you turn one thing on/off and it affects another electrical item the ground is the first item to check. a quick check with a meter for resistance beween the ground and the battery post or the grounding block/buss and the battery post would either confirm or deny if this is the problem or you could jump in a lenth of wire from the battery ground post to the light. the anchor light ground generaly doesnt go to the ground bar up near the consule as the battery is closer which is why the buzzing only happens with the front light. like i said its a therory but its quick and cheap to test.
did this always happen or did it just start happening?.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 5, 2003
Re: Nav lights on causing buzzing noise under cowling

it just started happening after I found out the main ground on the motor was loose (may of course not be related). Turning the lights on causes the buzz, the volt meter to go down and the fuel gauge goes dead. Could the buzzing cause further damage to whatever it is coming from?


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Nav lights on causing buzzing noise under cowling

You obviously have some wiring issues. You also have two electrical systems on the boat. 1) the harness that runs from the engine to the control box at the helm carries power to the ignition switch (among other things) and from there it feeds power to the gauges. 2) The other accessories such as your nav lights are not powered from the engine harness but rather from the "boat" harness which is the smaller (#6 or #8) pair of wires connected to the battery. That circuit runs forward to power the switches and other accessories including the NAV lights. Have you actually removed the engine cover as suggested to view AND hear where the noise is coming from. You more than likely have a ground problem because when electrical things begin behaving in a weird fashion it is almost always a ground issue. If all gauges had quit, then there is generally a loss of power or ground at the first gauge in the string since they are typically daisy chained from one to the next. If you lose just one or two gauges it is generally a wiring issue on that/those gauges. Since the internal gauge lights are wired to the NAV switch that powers the nav lights, you have an interaction between the engine harness and boat harness and that probably means a grounding issue. Current will seek out an alternate path to get back to the battery via any means when the normal ground paths are interrupted which accounts for weird electrical events.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 5, 2003
Re: Nav lights on causing buzzing noise under cowling

Thanks Silvertip, unfortunately the boat I have has a cluster #!@%$ of wiring behind the helm. Very hard to follow the wires or identify the ground bar\bus or would that be part of the fuse panel. Seem to have ground issues before and understand the two electrical systems you mention. I will continue the diagnostics and also pinpoint the buz location. Thanks again for taking the time to help, greatly appreciated!
Feb 17, 2012
Re: Nav lights on causing buzzing noise under cowling

a buss bar is just a electrical term for a junction point its where all the little ground wires come together then a big ground wire goes to the battery. it saves having to run all the little wires so far and the battery gets a little busy with 30 ring terminals on the ground side. the buss maybe a strip of copper with little screws on it or it may be a block at the bottom of the fuse panel where spades push on to the terminals. follow the little black wires until they meet and change to a big black wire