Fantasy Nascar, fascinating. I read where millennials will not have any favorite teams or individual athletes in individual sports such as Golf and Tennis. Since they have been playing in fantasy leagues their entire lives and cheering for different teams, players etc. game to game, week to week they will never be a fan of any individual team or player. Sounds logical to me. They predict a 20% or more drop in attendance to all pro team sports ticket sales in the near future. I don't do fantasy leagues, too complicated for this guy that took his first computer class in 1972, all I remember is yes/go to, no/go to. No kids at home to mentor me. I'll stick to my Pro Line bets here in Ontario, legaI sports wagering. I sure should have paid more attention in that cumpuder class.
Good luck to all and have fun. I will be watching with the surround sound cranked for the 500. I have been 4 times to Daytona and once to the Indy. Nothing like it. Kind of like the Super Bowl or a game 7 as the 1st game of the year. Try explaining that one to a layman.