My waverunner is a welder. 92 yam wave 111


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 21, 2009
My waverunner has turned into a welder. Last time i took my 1992 wr111
out I went to flush it and it wouldnt stop turning over.
I pulled the battery cables and am now trying to figure out where the
electrical problem lies. I disconnected every butt splice in the electrical
box one component at a time and it still arcs when i go to connect the
positive cable to the battery. I put an ohm meter on the black lug in
the electrical box to the block and it measures open. I imagine since
this is the ground I have an open to ground. Where are the grounds so
i can check their integrity one by one. Would running a jumper wire
from this ground lug to the block then see if i am still arcing prove
anything? I was advised to buy a new starter relay by several folks
which I said I tested and tested ok and did put a new one in, still same
trouble. 50$ :( 1992 yamaha wave 111 wra650. thank you folks in advance.

Jeff Walkowiak

Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2004
Re: My waverunner is a welder. 92 yam wave 111

sounds like a positive wire shorting to ground check the main cable,, also check the start button it may be shorting out internally,, try unplugging it and see if the battery stops arcking


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 21, 2009
Re: My waverunner is a welder. 92 yam wave 111

Hi Jeff, thanks for the reply. I had all the connectors to the handle bars unplugged and also opened up the electrical box and disconnected each component with the little wire connectors piece by piece. Example: I disconnected all wires to the thermo swithc the check for arc. Then went on to other wires until i checked every wire. Still arced.

Jeff Walkowiak

Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2004
Re: My waverunner is a welder. 92 yam wave 111

if you undo the wire from the start relay to the starter does it still do it


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 21, 2009
Re: My waverunner is a welder. 92 yam wave 111

Thank you for your help Jeff. It was the starter relay. You would not believe what I did. When the first starter relay went bad it would not stop turning over. In a panic i had to disconnected the battery before the starter burned out. Because i was so paranoid about that happening again (the last instance was when i was flushing it in the yard) on the water i put in a battery disconnect switch. Welll i guess my head was in my !!ss because i connected one terminal of the battery to one post of the disconnect switch and the other terminal to the other post. Good thing the batter cables were the last thing i connected because if i threw the switch like that it could have been real bad. Well it kept arcing every time i tried to connect the terminal duhhh. The ski sat for about a month before i went out to look at it again and figured out what i did. I put everthing back the way it is supposed to be and it started right up. I guess i can pull the fuse in the cdi if the relay shorts again. Easier than going after the battery. Just an fyi the old relay bench tested fine and you said replace it anyhow. Dont know how you know these things but Thanks again bud you are appreciated.

Jeff Walkowiak

Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2004
Re: My waverunner is a welder. 92 yam wave 111

I don't know either I just make things up as I go