My holiday weekend


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 5, 2005
Well, just rolled back up from a beautiful 6-day weekend on the boat. :) Had a ton of friends down staying on-board my boat and a friend's. Went out 5 times during the vacation, but the first 2 times got cut short. When we finally got out for some serious action, our first session on the water was terrible, not even a bite between 6 people. The next day I took a break and let some friends fish my poles, and saw quite an assortment of fish coming up. 6 person total for 5 hours of fishing: 4 fluke (all too small), 4 starfish (came up as a group, is this common?), 1 sea robin (is that the right name for these nasty lookin' *******s?), 1 clam, and 1 8 lb. Blue.<br /><br />Now, this may not sound like a bunch to all you long time fishermen and women, but it was the most I've seen brought up in my short short career.<br />But onto my favorite day, Monday. Went out around 11:am, myself and 2 friends. Loaded up the lines and in about 2 minutes two of us had fish on. Pull them both up and I'm convinced that we just caught 2 stingray sharks. (We found out later they were skate) Let them go, pull in 2 more of the litte buggers 10 min. later. After a bit of a rest from them we start pulling in fluke, about 5 of these, only 2 over the limit and we let them all go. <br />About 2:00 my other friend comes out to join us with his girlfriend and her son. They also start hooking the fluke. The kid was real unhappy till he hooked his own, then it was all smiles.<br />3:00 comes and a guy in my boat pulls one in and this oe IS a shark. 11 lb. sand shark. We figure this is the call for the end of the day, so we all let out that "one more cast" <br />Well, I had my line in for quite a bit, and it was about 200 yards out, so I start reeling in, and about halfway back I feel something hook, and start fighting like I haven't felt before. A few minutes of this, and I pull in a beautiful 17 lb. blue that I never thought I'd see on the end of one of my lines.<br />Made for a really sweet end to a really sweet vacation.<br />Hope everyone else had as much luck and fun as I did this weekend.

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: My holiday weekend

:) Sounds like you had a great time with all your friends on the water!!!!! That's as good as a good day fishing!!!!! :D <br /><br />Enjoy!!! ;) :cool:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2005
Re: My holiday weekend

Being on the water, & fishing with good friends is always great, catching fish is a bonus !!!!!