My first time hunting. (report)


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Ok well I spent my first morning ever in a tree stand yesterday. Didnt see any deer but I learned alot. I got up there about 5:15 in the morning and the forest was alive with animals moving all around me. I have never been more excited about anything before. As these critters would move under my stand ....and with out me seeing mind turned each one into a 12 point buck. But alas when it became light I never seen any deer. It turns out what looked like a great spot with 2 intersecting game trails that funnle to a spot 20-30 yrds from my tree that had lots of sign of traffic was pretty darn close to a farm road with lots of its own traffic so by 6:30 am there was a lot of cars and people passing by. At about 10 me and my buddie moved my stand down closer to him where he had seen 6 come through and 34 turkey. I will be in my stand tonight All and All it was a increadable experience for me even though I never seen a deer or turkey. Heard deer hunting experiences from friends all my life and I got a personal glimpse into this lifestyle and I have to admit I am consumed with it as of right now.......cant stop thinking about it......I even dream about it.......well that is when I sleeo considering I could not sleep a wink the night before. My wife has now stopped asking me what Im thinking about when im staring off into space in deep thought. same answer everytime. Thanx to all of you with advice in my first post on this. :)


Dec 29, 2002
Re: My first time hunting. (report)

Nothing more relaxing than a fine day in the stand. See what you been missing all these years.<br /><br />If your bow hunting dont worry about being close to a barn or farm. An saying from an old sage of a deer hunter I know goes like this---<br /><br />"Old barn= Old buck" I have found this to be true many times. <br /><br />If your on a farm try to find a narrow strip of woods that peters out into a farm field, Set up in the point of it and be ready.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: My first time hunting. (report)

congrats Mike, and enjoy. My first whitetail hunt is very much like yours regarding the thrill of just being there. Nothing compares to experiencing the woods come to life for another day. :) I love it when the communists (red squirrels) bawl me out for invading their territory!


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: My first time hunting. (report)

Well Flahthead to be honest I was so pumped and excided, I didnt get much relaxation :) every sound I heard got the heart pounding and if it was what to me sounded like something big my heard pounded so hard I thought whatever it was was sure to hear it beating :) What I learned is it seems the biggest sounds I heard were the littlest critters and the bigger critters were a bit quieter. Maybe had deer around just didnt notice or hear them. Im set up now in the corner of a field about 8-10 ft into the woods. 20 yrds Behind me a small shallow river and about 40 yrds to the front of me is a thin treeline that seperates the field and a cornfield. Yesterday the deer followed the tree line on the open field side to the corner Im in. Also 34 turkey came into shooting distance from were I am. My buddie was about 50 yrds up the river from were he put me and had a couple of does come within 40yrds but though he is a good shot and a 40yd shot is not out of the question he past on them cuz he said he wasnt feeling the shot. He is pretty ethical and is all about doing whats right so if he feels he might not get a killing shot in he wont take it. I couldnt ask for a better teacher.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: My first time hunting. (report)

Pjc, I had at least 10 squirrels running all around me and one even droped some nuts right on my head and I swear he started what I thought was laughing me. They were everywere and had me looking in all diresctions at once for awhile :)


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: My first time hunting. (report)

Excellentooooooooo Mike.....good luck and best to you. BTW, I do believe that I could very easily give up gun hunting, and replace the firearm with a camera. I have a "critter cam" strapped to one of my stands and my kids and I get a great thrill from looking at the deer and black bear pics.<br /><br />Best to you Mike!


Jun 14, 2005
Re: My first time hunting. (report)

Mike, I hate to tell you this,but Im afraid you have a disease.The condition is worsened by cool fall mornings and seeing deer while you are driving around.There is no cure.Just wait till you have a deer 10 or 15 yards from you and you cant move and just have to watch it.The only thing that you can do to help with this horrible disease is get out in the woods.Im sorry for your condition,but I feel your pain cause I have it also. :D :D :D :D :D

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: My first time hunting. (report)

The squirrels are a royal pain in the a$$. After sitting for several days and seeing nothing but the little criters I thought I had enough. When one climbed on the limb above me and peed, well it was on! A 30-30 to a squirrel about 5 feet away ain't pretty, but sure was fun.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: My first time hunting. (report)

Well I went out again tonight and I saw two deer way too far......but at least I saw a couple. I saw about 20 or so turkey also to far off......One loner started off about 100-150 yrds away and took about a hour to get over by me......I was so was a long hour...... he finally got within 20 yrds, he was so close I could see his eyes. I so very slowly started to raise my bow and that freakin bird somehow saw me. :mad: I mean I barely moved 6 inches and very slowly. His head shot straight up and I never thought such a fat ugly bird could run so fast. He clucked a few times and got into the woods in seconds. I was amazed that he could see me but being as dumb as I heard they are Im guessing thats the reason they survive long enough to grow that big. PJC I had a red squirrel go within inches right underneath me and not even realize I was there. Kenneth I was kinda irratated with one dropping nuts on me if he peed well Im thinking I would start squirrel hunting my self. Yes Cpj Im infected with this disease.....And man I got it bad. :D


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: My first time hunting. (report)

The fun part is the hunt. Some days it is a shame to ruin it with shooting one. <br /><br />Your life will never be the same again!


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: My first time hunting. (report)

Deputydawg, your right I can allready tell my life will never be the same. I have spent countless hours camping and fishing. Been in the woods most my life one way or the other but it is so different being in the woods as a hunter. Its like I am 10 times more aware of every little thing out there. I cant even imagine what it will be like when I get one.


Apr 8, 2003
Re: My first time hunting. (report)

as said above, keep enjoying the hunt... the hours spent without seeing the quarry is some of the best time you'll get. If you filled your tag in the first hour, you'd miss out on a lot of good bush-time!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 6, 2005
Re: My first time hunting. (report)

I was going along fine here and then I read your post. I am now in the throws of withdrawal. I haven't been drawn for big game in two years now and my mind wanders to pine scented woods and crisp, cool mornings, (yes we do have them in AZ) The Bugle of an Elk, the flapping of a wing, the sounds of a snort and a buck marking his ground. A stock to get around the other side of the hill before they do to just maybe get a glimpse and just hoping for a shot. Ahhh. Good Luck to you Mike. There is nothing else in the world that I have come across that feels the same.