My april fools day 2020

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
367 days since my company chose me as one to downsize, mostly because I was a remote employee they said. Very ironic today as everyone that can is now doing that. I truly believe after this is all over many companies will re-evaluate the cost benefits it as they realize yes, things do get done from remote employees.

Watching my wife work, making big things happen quickly in a volatile time leaves me feeling empty. Ask anyone whom I’ve worked with in the past and they will tell you that in times of crisis is when I was at my best….and what they don’t know is my happiest. Doing something important for people. It means something. I should be out there during this time.

Much, much too soon passing of a very close friend last week leaves a mark on my soul. There are few people in my world that I need to have ‘there’. Just there. Always knowing they are there – and now she’s not. I feel at my age I’ve lost too many people, too soon and God is for some reason taking the best ones from my life.

We have a new disease sweeping the globe and while the odds are well stacked in most everyone’s favor the raw body count will still be high. Watching the numbers and geographical progression, along with the social changes, is like knowing the Crystalline Entity is headed to your planet (Star Trek TNG reference for those not in the know). I feel like we’ve made it to the cave (with better air supply thankfully) but know that when we emerge after it has passed our planet will never be the same and as a person I (we?) will not be either.

Been an interesting year with more to come I’m sure.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
To be honest, we all change all the time. Often times, we change more than we realize and for reasons we have trouble seeing because of how we view ourselves (not necessarily good or bad, just perspective). - - Over the past year since you were RIFed you've come alive in some ways that hadn't been seen before: you're a good craftsman and apparently a heckuva chef. Your creativity boiled over a little in the time you had, and you let that drive you a bit.

Here in the Nashville area (and out toward Cookeville for sure) there are people who are in need from the tornados who really haven't even been able to concentrate fully on the effect of COVID-19. A guy helping out making some furniture, or a meal for a family would be worth it's weight in gold. Lending a hand with some of the recovery work still going on - including hiring with some of the construction groups - would be help and important as well. I'm not really pointing to you to take that on, but rather suggesting that seeing things in the perspective of "what can be done now" may spike an idea for you. You're not a stupid dude. (And give you some sense of purpose in the moment)

Losing Dad happened just a little before the tornado. I had been spending so much time with family, that I was still making trips up to be with them. I just didn't like the separation all of a sudden. But then the tornado hit, and before we even had all of the dust cleared from that, the world went into COVID higgledy-piggledy. Now, I can't go see family. So, I get the idea of what you mean by the loss suffered - if not feel a little of the same (still miss Dad quite a bit). BUT ... since you mentioned God ...

He's not really one to be tamed and put on a leash. You'll never figure out all of why He would do or allow things. But if He really is, then He must do things for good. I'll leave the breaking of forum rules at that, but set it to say: having a shadow cast on one area of life, often helps us see another area that is suddenly a little more light. And it helps us shift our view - and change; hopefully for the better.

You can't tame the wind. But you can trim the sails and find a course to a new adventure. You're a talented guy. You've got a jovial personality and from the sounds of it a good family. You may have some reconsidering to do. But you've got what it takes to find the next stage and make something magnificent happen.

Hang in there.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
its my 7th wedding anniversary today


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Joe, Southkogs is spot on in his assessment. I would suggest you read and reread it, meditate on it, let it touch your thoughts and, if I may, your soul. I believe that God does have a plan and a purpose for you, you just have to find it and follow it.

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
Yeah, I just have never felt this way before. Even thru divorce and other stuff like losing mom, this just seems to be hits all at once - and for the world. Back when the horizon oil spill happened, a friend on my forum from Mississippi wrote about how he felt watching it as it slowly and methodically approached the coastline. I understand now, even tho I thought I did then. Visceral versus intellectual.

We are also well set for this stay in place thing. Lots of food, big house, pool, etc. I also accidentally double ordered our regular two month supply of paper towels, toilet paper and kleenex at the beginning of March.... Wife still makes good money and we feel should stay employed for a couple more years (we both worked for same company) and we are debt free. We still have over half of my six month severance. Overall life is great.

I'm good on the God department - we worked things out between us couple decades ago.:)