My 98 honda bf 40 falters under load

Tom turkey

Sep 14, 2014
My 98 honda bf 40 falters under load. It revs in neutral over 5000 rpms perfectly but in gear it wont go over about 4200 in gear. I was running all day fine and then on my way back in it fell on its face and i limped in. Then i replaced the plugs and now it goes to 4200 but just doesn't have the power it should... Any thoughts?

Tom turkey

Sep 14, 2014
I had the carbs torn apart and cleaned and re needled late last summer and it ran fine. Replace fuel filter. Drained the bowls for winter and fogged the cylinders. A week ago i put in a new pump kit and thermostat and this was my first trip to the water. It ran normal for a half tank of gas, 6 gallon can and i had just got the gas also. I was running back on rough water at about 3/4 throttle for five or ten minutes when it just seemed like it started bogging and sorta missing. Thats when i replaced the plugs incase they were fouled from the fogging oil. It seems to run a little better but still want rev over about 4200 under load but in neutral it does 5500 smoothly