Hi Everyone! I bought a used boat trailer about a month ago, to tow around my 14' aluminum boat, with 7.5 Hp Merc. I was lucky on how this trailer was built that it was also easy to convert it into a small box trailer in about 5 mins. When i first put the boat on the trailer, all the weight seemed to be at the back of the trailer (no tongue weight). Since converting it into the box trailer, I tried loading my Honda ATV on, and it went on no problem. There was no stress on the springs at all as it was used for a larger boat in its time.<br /><br />My question is i want to move the axel back so I can have more tongue weight. This should be very easy to do except for the bolts holding it. If they are to break off while trying to remove, should I be using special bolts to hold this, or are regular bolts from Home Depot Ok to use?? I hope i gave enough info, and thanks for your help in Advance!