Re: Mounting Transducer To I/o Transom
Hello To All, Anyone Have A Good Idea As How To Mount A Transducer On A Celebrity 208 Cuddy Without Cutting The Transducer Cable And Having To Solder It Back? The Transom Is To High And Thickto Run It Over The Top As With A Outboard Set Up I Not Sure How Well You Couldseal A Hole Large Enough To Pass The Transducer Cable End Through That Hooks To The Unit Any Ideas?
The best, and cleanest way to mount the transducer is to measure 18" to starboard of your keel up along the hull bottom. That will be your transducer location. Now, go straight up from that location to an area that, when viewed from the inside, has no obstructions. Drill a 3/4" hole in that area, probably 18-24" above the transducer. Feed the plug end through, then use a 1" clamshell to cover the hole. Predrill the clamshell, pull in the cable ALMOST tight, fill the hole, and I mean FILL it, with 5200. Lay a bead of 5200 around the clamshell flange, then install clamshell. Secure cable to transom with 1/4" cable clamps, tight against the transom. Remove excess 5200 with acetone, let it set up at least overnight.
Then run your cable forward, hook it up to your unit, and your good to go...