I thought you would get a few replies here ... sorry,
Linkon . I used to ride and at one point had 3 cycles ... a little Kawi 100 enduro, the indestructible Honda CB350, and a Kawa KZ1000 ... the fastest production crotch rocket of it's time. But being in the fire service, after getting married and having kids I gave up the bikes. Every time I get the itch to ride we get a call for another motorcycle accident that ends in a life flight and I remember why I gave it up ... want to spend time with the kids. The bikes aren't dangerous, it is the idiots that don't look for them! Anyway, I have no place to direct you, sorry.
With the major upgrade to our site, this is also a tough time to get answers as we are working on the mechanics of the site. Do you have a boat or are you into boating? What brought you to iboats?