Motor just QUIT...what could be the cause/solution?


Jul 24, 2005
Finally got the "Sea Snot II" back in the water after a successful impeller replacement (thanks to your generous assistance).<br /><br />Today, I ran the boat, equipped w/ a '64 40HP Evinrude BIG TWIN, for about 10 minutes to see how things were. She started on the second pull, idled well and took off. I stopped and re-pull started a few times, as I was manually adjusting trim tabs, and each time it started right up.<br /><br />For the most part, it ran fine...BUT occasionally, it did something that I can best describe as a hicup when running, sort of like for a brief millisecond the motor stopped and bucked, but then kept right on going. I paid little concern, since things went ok after that (I know I didn't hit anything, and that whatever caused this hickup, has to do w/ something in the motor...but what, I don't know, and I need your help on that.).<br /><br />I acquired this motor, w/ a previously unknown history...over the past few years its made it to the pond about a half dozen times. I'm perhaps now thinking, after reading up on what's "routine standard practice" to do on a motor, that trying to save $ has only led to a longer swim back to shore.<br /><br />What I've done thus far, is replace the spark plugs, impeller, and lower unit lube...I have not replaced the plug wires, coil packs, or points/condensor.<br /><br />Is it reasonable to assume that my coil packs have finally completely failed, and that they are somewhat to blame for inconsistent and intermittent performance (like a varying few seconds of lag between when I go to full throttle, and then the boat motor finally goes full throttle 10 seconds later?).<br /><br />Currently w/ limited cash flow, reviving this thing is difficult to do on a budget, so I was trying to avoid the "replace all" approach, and hopefully not spend more than needed.<br /><br />Just looking for an idea of what I should do seems bit by bit, things that die over time are going to need replacing...but I'd sure like to use the opinions of educated guessers to determine what is likely the culprit, rather than just "replace it all".<br /><br />One more day of an opportunity to try to rectify this motors problems, and then it's who knows how many weeks before I travel up to see it again.<br /><br />Thanks again, I eagerly await your suggestions.<br /><br />P.S. The spark plugs looked just fine (unfortunately, upon removal, despite having coated the threads w/ anti-seize just a month ago, they came out w/ the plug, so it's heli-coil time...). Whata bummer, when I realized there was no way to reinstall the plug (plus the non firing scenario before removing the plug), I had to jump in the pond, and tow my girlfriend, her friend, and the boat, about a 3/4 mile back to shore...just got finished w/ this hour long swim...they just seem to be getting longer and longer w/ the things that pop up w/ this motor.


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: Motor just QUIT...what could be the cause/solution?

Don't just start replacing parts. What troubleshooting have you done? Do you have a shop manual?<br /><br />Start by checking spark, compression and fuel. Let us know what you find.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Motor just QUIT...what could be the cause/solution?

I never saw so many words used to not describe the problem.<br /><br />Do not replace anything until you know what is wrong.<br /><br />If your engine wont start go to the Engine FAQs. Troubleshoot, don't guess.<br /><br />Good luck. :)


Jul 24, 2005
Re: Motor just QUIT...what could be the cause/solution?

To answer...the problem is that when I pull the starter cord, the engine does not fire at all, and thus doesn't run.<br /><br />The plugs are new (I'll check for a spark when it's light)...I'm assuming that this can just be done w/ the plug still attached to the wire, w/ the plug removed from the head, and someone pulling the starter cord (I've never previously had a need to check for a sprak on something, so haven't yet done so).<br /><br />Compression is fine, as it was on previous start-ups...normal resistance when pulling the cord (unfortunately, my compression gauge that srews into the spark plug hole threadset...of which there is now currently only one set of threads, is in NJ, and I'm in CT only for another day) reluctant to spend $ on tools I didn't bring, that might better be spent on parts for peace of minds sake.<br /><br />Fuel delivery is also fine, the bulb primes hard, and if you continue squeezing, excess gas comes out the carb.<br /><br />Unfortunately, w/ plug taking the threads w/ it upon removal, that presents another thing to address, but I think it has little to do w/ why the motor no longer fires up like it had previously done.<br /><br />Just hoping to get some ideas as to go about taking a motor that had otherwise been unattended for 15 or more seemed reasonable to replace coils, as I'd seen previous mention of that because they were notorious for cracking over time, even though a motor can still somewhat run ok w/ them going bad, but again, sinking money into a project I'm just learning about also seemed unwise (I'm just hoping to learn a bit from the veterans).<br /><br />I'll get an early start on it tomorrow...I just figured a visual inspection of points, and bench testing coils and condensor (after removal) was standard (granted, they're definately a bit more difficult to access than on a car, but that's the sort of vehicle motor I'm accustomed to troubleshooting).<br /><br />Thanks again, happy motoring (I knew I should've brought my paddles this last time).


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: Motor just QUIT...what could be the cause/solution?

Your float needles should not allow fuel to enter after the bowl is full and you keep pumping bulb..... might not be a spark issue but a flooding issue instead. Just a thought... besides pulling carb and cleaning/checking float and needles is going to be a bit cheaper then replacing parts(for now anyways)


Feb 26, 2005
Re: Motor just QUIT...what could be the cause/solution?

"For the most part, it ran fine...BUT occasionally, it did something that I can best describe as a hicup when running, sort of like for a brief millisecond the motor stopped and bucked, but then kept right on going. I paid little concern, since things went ok after that (I know I didn't hit anything, and that whatever caused this hickup, has to do w/ something in the motor...but what, I don't know, and I need your help on that.).<br />"<br /><br />From this hiccup and bucking symptom, I suspect that you have sheared the key that positions the flywheel on the crankshaft. The same precise thing happened to me. To repair this, you will have to pull the flywheel, which will also allow you to inspect the coils and points.<br /><br />There is good information in the following thread:<br /><br />;f=28;t=029310#000017


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: Motor just QUIT...what could be the cause/solution?

As Much as I've had that same problem it never occured to me.... the key.... I would still look at that carb though... you shouldn't be able to keep primming the bulb so gas comes outta carb.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: Motor just QUIT...what could be the cause/solution?

Another thing I might add..... You swam the boat back to land??? Full of gear and friends? man..thats alot there... Me? I'd just drift inward until I reached dry land... I did however had a dog once that "accidently" jumped in and took off swimming.... just so happened to be alot easier to to grab the collar and let her go pulling us then try to get her in the boat.... She was a shepard mix... she could handle it.


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 20, 2003
Re: Motor just QUIT...what could be the cause/solution?

If it were my motor!<br /><br /> I would get a new or good used head. If that heil coil will not stay in head when you remove the spark plug.<br /><br /> I would bet ya a soda pop its also leaking your compression down so low that you have no fuel to work with on that cylinder.<br /><br />Good luck!


Jul 24, 2005
Re: Motor just QUIT...what could be the cause/solution?

To my online friends...I thank you all for your input (you've helped in getting this motor to fire up in the first place, and no doubt, I'm certain your input will help in getting it goin again).<br /><br />I've decided, after having run out of time, that I'm going to find a way to fit this motor (along w/ a trunkful of tools that I travelled w/ to work on it) somewhere in my car. A '95 Neon (w/ a trailer hitch) is certainly a "poor man's truck"...but that's where I have to stuff it in order to work on in at home, land locked, in a trash can (luckily, the boat itself, is only an 1/8 mile jaunt to pond-side).<br /><br />My plan is to first get the plug area rethreaded, then go through the checks suggested by you fellas and the manual. After that, I'm thinking that so long as I'm snowballing $ into this old project, I might as well replace the ignition components, that as far as I know, are as old as original, but at least 15+ years for sure.<br /><br />Per recommendations, I will again rebuild the carb...I don't really remember when priming the bulb led to excess fuel running out the carb...but, nevertheless, it started up and ran on every instance before this last outing, so whether "technically right or wrong" it did work "well enough".<br /><br />Drifting toward shore when 3/4 mile out, the thought did occur to me...BUT, the though in the back of my mind, is that we WERE in fact drifting, and drifting TOWARD the pond's spillway.<br /><br />I have to say, I was a bit pertrurbed, especially having a chat w/ folks onshore (that I'd encountered previously) w/ the revival and intermittent and uncertain performance of my vessel.<br /><br />They said, "no worries", if I encountered a problem, they were there to help, and offer a tow in should I need it (having themselves required one just a week before).<br /><br />Well, it occured to me, that after nearly an hour of swimming w/ a tow rope, pulling a boat in to the cove, and being about 100 feet from shore, they finally said "do you need any help, what happened, did it quit on you?"<br /><br />I'll tell you, I was a little annoyed previous to that, seeing their 3 jet-skis run circles around us creating wakes, that they didn't sense that I wasn't swimming w/ a boat and a rope between me, just for exercise' sake.<br /><br />It occured to me...when you see a car on the highway w/ a chain attached to it, a motorcycle being pushed up hill in the rain...or maybe a boat w/ passengers aboard and a swimmer on rope's end...that maybe there's an issue, and help can be offered.<br /><br />Call me "old-fashioned", at 32 years, but when I sense someone in distress, I figure it's just etiquette (especially on water) to lend a hand...who knows, maybe this just stems from wrenching on a '77 MGB roadster, notorious for their Lucas electricals...but it sure does seem dejavu all over again w/ this "tired" '64 Rude.<br /><br />Thanks again for the knowledge seems like I'm hooked on something again, DIY'ing again till it's close enough, and enjoying what's left of the season.<br /><br />Luckily, I do have wetsuits I surf in when the air temp is 16...and I have flippers...but, nevertheless, if I can avoid getting stranded in the lake as the temps drop, so much the better.

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Motor just QUIT...what could be the cause/solution?

No offense intended but simply stating the problem would more likely result in obtaining a prompt usable reply.