OK, I finally remembered to write the serial number down to find out the year of my Merc outboard. It is:<br />4237545<br />If anyone is able to tell me the year of this engine I'd greatly appreciate it!<br /><br />And I've even got new problems to talk about besides the carb that seems to be spitting out gas by the gallon.<br /><br />Now before y'all tell me to go and get a cover, I'll let you know I already know that. It's been pretty arid in these parts and I figured I could get away with it until next season. Apparently not. I arrived at my cottage this weekend and found my Glastron half submerged. A quick flip of the bilge solved the problem quick enough, but there were after effects. The trim is stuck. When I go to trim up I get a click and then nothing, and when I go to trim down I don't even get a click, just nothin at all. I didn't think the water had actually got up to the trim unit mounted to the transim, but the wires and cables were definately submerged. I didn't try to trim it until the water had drained so I don't think I shorted it at the time, it seemed to be already damaged. The battery was still fully charged as well. I thought it may be a solenoid, but why would this happen with a little water, especially if I never tried to use it when submerged? Thanks guys, and please hold the wisecracks, I'll ask Santa for a boat cover.