mixing oil brands in Tohatsu TLDI?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 21, 2004
I've been using Pennzoil 100% synthetic tcw3 in my 2003 90hp tldi since day one. Last month I went to the dealer for more oil, and he said to start using the Tohatsu oil reccommended for the motor since the Pennzoil was costing him $25/gallon.

Is it okay to mix the different brands together in the tank, or should I wait until the Pennzoil is almost out before adding the Tohatsu oil?

How much oil does the tank under the cowling hold?



Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 17, 2005
Re: mixing oil brands in Tohatsu TLDI?

Generally speaking, all manufacturers recommend you don't mix different oil brands. I would guess the logic is that each brand may use different additives and there would be no way to know how one brand would interact with another. So the safe answer is, use up what you have, then switch.

According to the service manual, the 90TLDI oil reservoir holds 4 liters (4.2 quarts).


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 28, 2004
Re: mixing oil brands in Tohatsu TLDI?

Both are TCW3 spec, and are therefore required to be compatable.

Now, if it were mine, I would run the old oil down as far as you're comfortable doing before adding the new brand of oil. That is generally the conventional wisdom. Of course, this is an oil thread...so there will be 6000 opinions and the thread will go forever.

I used Pennzoil Synthetic and then switched to Klotz synthetic. I also opened the oil pump bleeder valve and flushed the rest of the old oil out as far as the oil pump. But, that is overkill. In summary, they are both TCW3 and therefore according to spec, compatible....take it for what its worth.

OK, someone elses turn.... Time for debate. :)