Mid to late 80's OMC triples starting to wear out?


Sep 11, 2008
Just wondering if there is a general design weakness in the OMC triples that is causing the approx 20 year old (and older) motors to be wearing out now, such as low compression and broken rings etc.

I know all things mechanical wear out, but what is their longevity in comparison to a Merc or even different OMC designs such as the 2 cyls or the 4 cyls. Maybe these triples have weak rings?

My 88 60hp just blew a ring(s) and the other cyls are around 105 psi. I saw an ad for a 87 70hp the guy says compression low at 100psi so he's looking to move it. Trying to decide if to repair or look for a running motor, but if all the OMC triples out there are heading for a similar demise, maybe I should look at the Mercs.