mid ohio valley river run.


Feb 13, 2012
Hi i'm new to i boat's but live on the ohio river in hockingport.Just wondering if any members here have a annual river run near here or would like to possibly like to help set one up for sometime this coming season.I was just reading about alot of the others around the country and thought it sounded like a good time.We could possibly try to set something up starting around blennerhaset island that's usually where everyone ends up congrigating in our area anyway .If anyone has any info or ideas would appriciate the info thanks.:confused:


Jun 1, 2010
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

I wish I could join, playbouy...Blennerhassett Island is my old stomping grounds. Someday I would like to return for a trip up the Little Kanawah.

Enjoy and Good Luck!


Feb 13, 2012
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

We spend almost every weekend of the summer on blennerhaset it's the best place on the river to hang out and have a good time.If you ever make it back come visit us on the island.


Jun 1, 2010
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

Will do, playbouy! My Folks were friends with the guy in Belpre (can't remember his name) that built and operated the sternwheel that took trips to the Island. My High School buddy served as caretaker and lived on the Island for years....till he got caught growing some weeds he shouldn't be.:facepalm:

I have sisters are in P-Burg. I'll give you a shout the next time I visit.


Feb 13, 2012
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

I think the guys name is ruble if i'm not mistaken.look forward to hearing from ya.


Jun 1, 2010
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

I think the guys name is ruble if i'm not mistaken.look forward to hearing from ya.

Yup, playbouy.....Ruble was his name. I enjoyed being around him.

There have to be some guys around you for a gathering. The Island is a great getaway for a picnic, a walk, and a tour.A slow ride up the Kanawah would be a relaxing trip. My sis had a restaurant near the I-77 bridge, right on the water.

I had a piece of property just south of Little Hocking on the River. I had a camper on it for weekend stays. I had plans to build an A-Frame on it till I quit DuPont and moved south. Also hung out at Forked Run State Park. We would rent a canoe and do some bass fishing.

Another memory was I had a friend in Hockingport that was a fox trapper in the winter and a catfisherman in the summer. He converted an old post office into a workout gym. His brother was a taxidermist. Ring any bells?


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

Hey Sasto, no get togethers with playbuoy til we get some pics of the deal he just scored.:p


Feb 13, 2012
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

Funny story about those pics just went to get it and can't get it out of her garage she's got a real tight driveway and my f-250 longbed can't make the turn to get it out of the garage so now i'm waiting for her grandson with jeep to get it out for me .Got to love it trouble with the boat and have'nt even got it out of the garage yet.Is the guys name reed he's the only one i can think of and there's not a whole lot of people down here.


Jun 1, 2010
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

Is the guys name reed he's the only one i can think of and there's not a whole lot of people down here.

I believe your correct on his name. He had blonde hair and around 50 years old. We used to workout together. He had a beautiful mount of a buck with a doe licking his neck on the front porch...... Small world!

Take Care!


Jun 1, 2010
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

Hey Sasto, no get togethers with playbuoy til we get some pics of the deal he just scored.:p

Shucks, lncoop, If I'll ride with you.....I will ride with anybody!

Dick Sorensen

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 5, 2008
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

Our group has two runs planned for this summer along the (1) Ohio and (2) Kanawha Rivers. You're more than welcomed to join in. Columbus (OH) Sail and Power Squadron's web site has, or will shortly have, all the details. We basically run on Friday to a location, spend Saturday enjoying that area and return on Sunday. We always have some form of shore side housing arranged if you don't berths on your boat. Hope this helps....we also have run to Louisville from Cincinnati and to Pittsburgh from Wheeling. Last year we had 11 boats travel across Ontario, Canada from Petersborough to Big Chute on Georgian Bay...so if you want to travel by boat, hang around with lots of guys and wifes who enjoy boating...check us out.


Feb 13, 2012
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

Thank's for the reply sounds like fun i'll check the site out and hopefully will be able to joim.


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2007
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

I would be interested in hearing more about the cincinnati to louisville run. I would like to hear about how long it takes and at what speed I would really like to do that some time and go thru the lock.


Dec 21, 2004
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

I would be interested in hearing more about the cincinnati to louisville run. I would like to hear about how long it takes and at what speed I would really like to do that some time and go thru the lock.

That's not a bad run at all. We went from Louisville to Cincinnati (against the current) in a Sea ray 268 cruiser in a short day. And we only cruised at about 22mph. The locks on the Ohio are so easy, since the tie offs float with you. (The last few dams in PA don't, you have to have long lines for them)

Dick Sorensen

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 5, 2008
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

It's a great trip and more scenic than the run to Pittsburgh. I launched at the Catalina Isle Marina, which is just upriver from Lawrenceburg, Indiana. Running at about 22 mph it was 3 hours to the Markland Lock and Dam and another 2 hours to Madison, Indiana, which was our goal for that day...we burned 23 gallons of gas ( I have a 190 hp 235 ci short block chevy)....the next day we headed to Louisville and about 2 hours later arrived. We nosed around the riverfront abit and then turned back up river to Juniper Beach for gas and took 24 gallons. This stretch of the Ohio is darn near perfect for a weekender....plenty of gas stops....close to Cincy is Laughery Island which is a great spot for a lunch/swim break....then a nice run to Markland (note: the last trip...not the one just described ... our group waited 3 hours, while heading upriver, to lock thru.) Madison is a river cruisers town...and some experts say it's the best example of an Ohio River Town ever...the entire town is an historic district...so no fast food restaurants, no big box stores...you know....nothing plastic)...lots of family owned restaurants, motels, bars, ...good night life...try the Rivercrest Marine (Mike Biles is the owner but Shorty is the Yard Foreman...quite a colorful (and nice character)...stay at the River Captain's Hotel...good restaurant you can dock at just at the foot of main street.....as you head towards Louisville plan on lunch at Captain's Quarters Restaurant...Mile 595....(theyve got a web site)....great food with two bars and plenty of wharf space for docking.....Juniper Marina had a hottie in a bikini manning the gas pump.....Anyway....It's a 7 hour run at around 22 miles per hour....and a great trip....hope this helps.

four winns 214

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 25, 2008
Re: mid ohio valley river run.

If you decide to make a Cincinnati-Louisville run, be sure you know how to stay in a channel because below Markland Dam to Carrollton, Ky, there are several bars to avoid. If one stays in the channel, it's no problem, but the channel does take some abrupt bends around them.