MFS25A tohatsu gas leaking bottom carb

Feb 17, 2012
im use to working on evinrude so I need someone to bring me up to speed on the MFS25A 4 stroke 25hp carbs. A friend has asked me to look at his motor. From what he has told me the bottom carb is leaking fuel (he said he had seen some from outside of bottom carb area). When he removed the plugs and spun the motor over the bottom cylinder sprayed gas. He can not tell me the level of the oil before the problem but its is now over full and smells gassy

I have drained the oil and tomorrow will refill and pressure test. If this was a evinrude I would suspect a leaking bowl needle not sealing. any advice would be welcome including the best place to buy parts and things on this motor I should watch for.


Apr 20, 2008
Yes, it's likely a needle/seat not seating correctly. Other possibility is a damaged fuel pump dumping gas in the crankcase. Don't overfill the oil; 1/2 to 3/4 on the stick is OK. It's important to run the carbs out at the end of every day, unless you know that you will be running again tomorrow. I prefer OEM parts, avaialble from any dealer, including several Forum members... even me. Check for a dealer locator by ZIP code.