Title: Mercury Sterndrive Trim Relay Fault Code
I have a powerboat with 2 Mercury Sterndrive TDI 3.0L Diesel Engines with Bravo 3.
Recently, whenever I start my port engine, it starts and run for 3 minutes before the following fault code pops up, and then the port engine shuts down automatically.
Fault Code: 3181-16
Trim up relay is not working properly
Fault Code: 3182-16
Trim down relay is not working properly
Fault Code: 623-21
Driver Power Voltage is below normal limit
Mercury technician has checked both port/sb starting batteries and trim relay. They all work okay.
Would like to pick you guys brains regarding possible causes and fixes. Greatly appreciated.
I have a powerboat with 2 Mercury Sterndrive TDI 3.0L Diesel Engines with Bravo 3.
Recently, whenever I start my port engine, it starts and run for 3 minutes before the following fault code pops up, and then the port engine shuts down automatically.
Fault Code: 3181-16
Trim up relay is not working properly
Fault Code: 3182-16
Trim down relay is not working properly
Fault Code: 623-21
Driver Power Voltage is below normal limit
Mercury technician has checked both port/sb starting batteries and trim relay. They all work okay.
Would like to pick you guys brains regarding possible causes and fixes. Greatly appreciated.