mercury outboard missing at midrange rpm


Feb 14, 2011
Hey all, hope your easter is going well as i am enjoying it from work.
Well here is what going on, first of all my motor is a 2007 mercury 60 hp 4 stroke efi, she will start idle and troll at low rpms great and also run great at high rpms or full throttle. But when i try to accelerate it will start sputtering or start cutting out or sort of hesitates to get to the higher rpms for a few seconds but once i get to the upper rpms it runs great.
I checked all fuel lines and tried 2 differnt tanks and also added seafoam. I know the fuel pump is working and have check the top 2 plugs and they look fine, didnt bother with the bottom 2 as they are a little tricky to get at (thanks mercury for the great choice of placment of the bottom plug most of all).
The problem is not horrible but it wont allow me to troll along at a nice slow pace. And i know its not running right. The motor is new to me so i can not compare it to how it ran before it was doing this or can i tell you the exact rmp range its hesitating at.
Any advice or tips will be greatly apperciated..
Thanks agan and Happy easter