Mercury distributor question


Dec 16, 2002
First off, I want to say good morning to all of you very knoledgeable and great fellow boaters. The question I have is as follows. I have a 1965<br />650 65 h.p. mercury outboard that has a magneto distributor with points. Is it possible to switch this over to a pointless system, and what all is involved in doing so, and is it fairly pricey to do so? I currently have the whole distributor off the motor to clean it all up and to put on new plug wires, and plan on not putting it back on till I either get new points or different distributor. Any help or suggtestions from the experienced people here?<br />Thanks so much for your great help. :confused: :) :cool: :) :)


Jun 24, 2002
Re: Mercury distributor question

marvc-- I have a 67 650, same system as yours. You are better off just replacing the points, condenser, and wires than changing to a pointless set up. From what I was told you would need to buy several different parts, flywheel, sensors, coils, trigger, distributer and some of these are pretty expensive. I changed the points and condenser (local mercury dealer) for about 12.00.


Dec 16, 2002
Re: Mercury distributor question

Hey rickrick1, <br />Thanks for the tip. I happened by accident found another website on motors, which I can't remember the name of, and the guy emailed me back and told me what I take is a new mag dist., was over $300.00. That made up my mind for me what to do, just what you said, replace the points. Also, do you know if the magneto can get weak and eventually need replaced besides the points? I have already got the new wires to put on. After the dist. is on, then it's onto the water impellor. Never have took off a lower unit before, letalone an impellor, so will go get pictures and instructions first. Going monday to check on a new water pump in case I need that along with the impellor I already have. Thanks again for your suggestions and help. marvc :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 3, 2002
Re: Mercury distributor question

Marvc - From all I've found, I agree that you're way better off with the points and mag. All the parts in the old points systems are readily available and not expensive. That's not the case with some of the electronic systems and parts that changed several times from the late 60's into the 80's. Many of those electronic ignition parts are no longer available, and really expensive if they can be found at all. In fact, the advice I've seen for folks with some of the early electronic systems is to change back to points systems by finding the old mags etc. Check out John's Old Mercury site at and the guys there can answer all the specifics. Good luck.


Dec 16, 2002
Re: Mercury distributor question

hey there martytn<br />Thanks for yout help and the website you gave me, it was very helpful, and sorry for not replying sooner. I've been busy with my 3 year-old grandson, and moving my daughter. I really appreciate your, and all the others, help and suggestions given in this forum. Marv C. :cool: :) :D ;)