Let me start off by saying, this board is awesome!<br /><br />I've recently become a victim of MAD (Marine Addiction Disorder) due to a recent purchase of a cottage on a lake. My thirst for boat knowledge is unquenchable (is that a word?), and right now I'm on a quest to find a website that has pictures of Mercury engines over their history (I found a wicked Glastron site that has the original brochures from every single Glastron ever made. I just acquired a 75 GT150). My goal would be to have the ability to identify outboards as I saw them passing by. This may sound trivial, but I'm completely facinated by the amount of knowledge that a lot of the posters on this board have. Now I know it can only come from years of experience, but admittedly, I'm just looking to be able to spew some obscure facts about marine engines and impress my friends. <br /><br />Seriously tho', if anyone knows any good sites that have pictures of old outboards, please let me know.