I just bought a cheap boat with a 1990 Mercury 150 V-6, and have an oil injection alarm problem. The previous owner was 'pretty sure' it was a sensor problem, so disconnected the alarm. I'm not willing to trust his judgement, so I searched the internet for info on this problem last night, and found this site. I read many posts and replies that I believe have given me a crash course on the oil injection system. Since there is apparently at least some oil making it into the engine, I'm guessing my problem is either the sensor, or the 2 psi check valve. I have decided to play it safe and disconnect the oil pump for now and go to pre-mix. I may fix the problem later, but I want to fish, and plan to launch the boat in 3 days for my maiden voyage. I read and printed Kenthrussel's post from 9/10/2001 (remember that day?) on how to remove the oil system, but I have one additional question that wasn't covered in that post. I have twin 35 gallon tanks with a fuel filter/water separator. Can I run pre-mixed fuel/oil through the same type as straight fuel, or do I need to change to a different type of filter/separator?<br /><br />TIA for any help!<br />Blueeyes