Mercury 90hp 3 cylinder temp sender


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 12, 2001
Can someone tell me at what temperature my temp sender will send an alarm to my warning horn? I tested it in water and did a continuity test and it varied between 170 and 190 degrees. The part number for my temperature sender is 78799 and the serial number for my mercury 90hp 3 cylinder outboard is 0B302485. Im replacing the thermostat, poppet valve and the alarm sender to rectify an overtemp alarm. I already replaced the water pump and have a great pee stream from the outboard. I get the over temp alarm, long beep after running for a few minutes.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
195F and resets at about 175. Stat on that engine is 143F. At about 2500 rpm the pop off valve opens and bypasses the stat with a much larger hole and just lets ambient water free flow. If you can't run at low speeds without the alarm but can get on plane and it quits after a couple of minutes and then re sounds when you get back to slow speeds, your stat is stuck shut. That's how I find my bad stat the first time I took my newly purchased used boat out. If ok at low speeds but sounds at high speeds the pop off is stuck shut.
