Mercury 90 starting-running problems


Jun 21, 2002
Mercury 90 starting-running problems

I have a 1978 Mercury 90 horse six cylinder out board. Here's where we are. It wouldn't start even with starting fluid. It seemed like it wasn't getting any spark for about ten minutes, then all of a sudden as the battery was about dead the moter fired right up!! ( really strong and ran great ) I made it about 3/4 of the way around our 6 mile lake and then she just up-n-died on me. No chugging or anything, just flat out died. I tried starting it up again to no avail. I took the battry out and gave it a full charge over night, cleaned the plugs, cleaned the cap and rotor and checked the fuel line for blocks. The next day it wouldn't start at all.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Mercury 90 starting-running problems

Re: Mercury 90 starting-running problems

Howdy, Deluge.<br /><br />You need to check it for spark when it is refusing to start. No spark, right?<br /><br />Make sure that your emergency kill switch and neutral start switch are both working properly.<br /><br />No luck yet? Trace the wiring for the ignition and the kill switches and look for an intermittent short to ground.<br /><br />Still no luck? Examine all ignition related wires, especially under the bonnet, for loose or bare wires.<br /><br />Let us know what you find. :)