Mercury 90 power tilt and trim


Jun 17, 2010
I have a 2012 tracker pro guide and the motor hits the ground on the trailer far before the trim is all the way down. Problem comes when trailering the boat. at the boat ramp with the motor tilted anything above idle pushes the motor down. It gets aggravating and I know I could sink the trailer more but that leaves the stern floating and we end up sideways on the trailer. We head down to the coast a couple times a year and the ramp we use is about a mile into 18" water and it takes forever to get out at an idle. Is there a tilt trim out there that will hold the motor up under power?


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
If it's like conventional Mercs, It is common and is referred to as Power Trim & Tilt. The high pressure hydraulic system operates the lifting of the engine from -4 to +20 degrees of engine tilt (trim) from about vertical on a standard pitched transom. This area will support full power thrust. Once above 20 degrees, the low pressure system takes over and if power is much over idle, the pressure popoff opens and the engine is forced down to the 20 degrees and remains there. I suppose this is a safety feature to keep you from sinking your boat with a high trim angle and full power.
