Mercury 200 20hP jumping gear


Jul 21, 2008
I brought my 74 200 20 HP to my mechanic for some work. He did that and then I got the call. You know the call every one of us hates. "I've got good news and bad".. Well you know how that goes.. The engine runs great and all is well except while he had it in the test tank it seems like the prop is slipping on the hub. So we send the prop out to be re-hubbed or rebuilt. After 2 weeks get another call saying the problem still exists. So my mechanic took a new replacement out of stock and tested with the same results. He asked permission to check out the lower unit, I agreed. He calls me a couple of days later and says everything checks out fine. The shaft, spline, crankshaft, lower unit gears, clutch dog everything is great. He even complements me on how clean everything is. But we can't find the problem. So now I have an awesome running engine that just wont get out of it's own way. I don't know what to do or where to go. Anybody have any ideas?