Mercury 150 hp Classic vs Mercury 150 hp EFI


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 4, 2002
What is the consesus out there about carburetors vs fuel injected engines? Carburetors may be less efficient but bet more mechanics know how to deal with them and the cost is a lot less. Also wonder if the new carburetors are more efficient than the old engines used to be?


Re: Mercury 150 hp Classic vs Mercury 150 hp EFI

Carburetors are carburetors. There's no magic 1 million mile per gallon carbs. out there. Never have been. Carburetors are a study in compromises.<br /><br />EFI is no doubt more complex, especially to the marine industry. EFI has been standard on most auto's since the early eighties. Electronic ignitions since the seventies. Remember when we all cursed those?<br /><br />Personally, I don't like fooling with points, condensers, etc. Unless it's on a beloved antique.<br /><br />Alot depends on where you are and your dealers' expertise.<br /><br />The wave, started in CA, for cleaner burning outboards and is advancing eastward at an alarming rate.<br /><br />Just my OPINION!