I have a sea-ray '86 with a mercruiser 140 I/O. I can't get, and keep it started. I "assume" the problem is; I can't give any throttle to start. On the For/Rev control, (hidden) is a limit switch, to determine a neutral position I am guessing. I can hear it click when I forward, and if I pull back to reverse. Motor won't turn over unless control is in neutral position. How do you give any throttle? <br /><br />I was told that a neutral position switch is located on the top of the motor, actuated by the cables. I found it, it is wired normally closed, and works when you shift to forward, pull back to N, and then into Rev. There are two wires, one to each side of the isolation block. With the switch removed there is continuity. <br /><br />The throttle ? is my main concern at the moment. Any suggestion would be welcome. Good or Bad