Re: Mercruiser procedure for pressure testing
You won't find it in any service manuals, however, you will find it in Merc's basic training manual and a few of the service training manuals.
I'l just post what the manual says, you don't need a line drawing of the gauge showing pressure on it, or showing a gauge hooked up to the drive.
Here is word for word from the 98 training manual.
1. Drain gear lube and install lower drain plug.
2. Remove vent plug and install pressure tet gauge. Tighten securley
3. Presureize housing to 7=10 psi and observe gauge for 5 minutes.
4. Rotate drive shaft, prop shaft and move shift rod while housing i pressurized to check for leaks.
5 Pressurize housing to 15-16 psi and observe gauge for 10 to 15 minutes.
6. Rotate drive shaft, prop shaft and move shift rod while housing i pressurized to check for leaks.
7. If pressure drop is noted, immerse housing in water (or use liquid soap and water mixture).
8. Repressurize to specification and check for air bubbles.
9. Replace leaking seals as necessary. Retest housing.
NOTE: Vacuum tests are not recommended due to the design of the labrinth seal (will not hold vacuum.)
10. Remove tester from housing, fill with lubridcant and install vent/drain plugs.
PS, the labrinth seal they are referring to is the input shaft seal on the ujoint yoke. It's designed to keep the oil in, no need to worry about water coming in, since the bellows is supposed to do that.