Well, it's not actually missing, I mean I know where it is. But it is missing while its running. The miss seems to only occur after about an hour or so on the water, then the engine begins to miss or "cut out" briefly, usually while under a load and at power settings above about 2000 - 3000 rpm. Once the missing starts, it seems to gradually get more frequent, to the point of actually stalling the engine. When it does stall, it starts right back up like nothing happened and runs for a bit and starts the whole process over again. My engine is an '03 mercruiser 260hp 5.0 liter MPI. It has about 100 hrs. on it. So far I have changed the cap and rotor, fuel filter and spark plugs (but not the wires). I'm thinking the problem may be electrical in nature due to the fact that it doesn't occur immediately, but only after the engine has been running for a while (about an hour to hour and a half). I have been told that my batteries (2- 550 cci's) are undersized and that might be a consideration. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.