Factory new GM marine 5.7 in 2013 new exhaust and risers @ that time. Don’t use boat much, probably doesn’t have 25 hours on it. In 2014 put closed cooling complete seakamp system and noticed I am always adding coolant to exchanger after a trip. After further review I found that I only had single gasket between exhaust and riser as opposed to two gaskets on either side of aluminum plate which Ive purchased and will be installing. It was suggested that I pressure check exhaust manifolds at this time. Note to readers: drain manifolds before removing risers you'll get water in your cylinders. I removed manifolds and made square steel plate with gasket to blank off riser surface. I installed rubber stoppers at drain t and top fitting. I filled manifold with water and blew air into where the drain cap was. The water bubbles out exhaust ports. The other one does it too. Then I tried the same thing on an 4.3 I had laying around same thing.. Can all these manifolds be bad? I have a feeling that a brand new one will do the same thing. Appreciate a little insight. Thanks in advance