My question is: am I going to have to drain the fuel I just bought and get the fuel tank cleaned?
Ayuh,..... Here's My take on it, 'n how I deal with it,.....
If the tank itself is Ok, 'n it's just crud, 'n water in it, figure out exactly where the diptube pulls from, 'n the relation of the tank's bottom to level, to the hull on the trailer,...
Now the crud, 'n water will always be on the
Bottom of the fuel tank,.....
I built my own "Fuel Polishing" system, with an electric fuel pump, a Mack spin-on filter that holds nearly a gallon, 'n a kit of hoses, 'n fittin's,...
I plumb my System from the tank's fuel line at the boat's fuel filter, run it to the Mack filter, to my electric pump, back to the tank's fill,....
Jumper it to a battery, 'n let 'er run,....
After awhile, raise or lower the trailer jack, move the bubble of water, 'n crud to the diptube, to pump it out,....
If necessary, jack up one side, or the other, of the wagon,...
With alittle Luck, the water, 'n crud amounts to slightly less that the Mack filter holds,....
That saves my electric fuel pump,....
With alittle more luck, the anti-siphon valve passed all the junk,...
Ya might carry a spare fuel filter, in a freezer baggie,....
If ya have another issue, it ain't bad to swap out the filter on the water,....
Loosen it, slip the baggie 'round it, spin it off, drop it in, 'n zip it up,...
Spin on a new one, 'n hopefully, yer boatin' again,....