Mercruiser 3.0LX Carburetor

Jul 17, 2007
I have a 1993 3.0LX Mercruiser. The web that spans the throat of my carburetor that holds the threaded rod that fastens the spark arrestor to the carb has broken totally free (both ends and the center connection). Has anyone found a successful repair, or is replacing the carburetor the only choice? If replacement is the only choice, are there any recommendations for an alternate carb to the OEM carb? If there is a better choice, why is it better? Has Mercuriser improved the design of their carb, or is the replacement likely to crack as well?

Hate having the boat down in the middle of the season...... all help will be much appreciated.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Mercruiser 3.0LX Carburetor

I have not seen one crack before ?

It is a nylock nut that really only has to be run down just enough to hold it down ,there is NO need to crank it real TIGHT

the OEM carb is going to bolt on and go boating anything else is going to require :confused: to make everything fit correctly

Jul 17, 2007
Re: Mercruiser 3.0LX Carburetor

tommays....... thanks for the response....... I don't think the web broke out from overtightening the nylock nut that holds the spark arrestor.... My engine cover just barely clears the top of the spark arrestor, and my guess is that at some point when I was putting the cover in place I caught the corner of the spark arrestor on the stepped down section of the engine cover and when I pushed the cover into place that strained the casting enough to crack the web ...... the other possibility is that the engine diesels on occasion, and the shaking of the engine did the damage......

I saw something in one of the older entries about another reader having this problem, but did not find any recommended solution other than replacing the entire carb........ an expensive repair...

Again, thanks........


Jul 20, 2007
Re: Mercruiser 3.0LX Carburetor

If it were me, I would try some JB Weld (or similar product) to re-attach the broken part before buying a new carb. Follow the directions carefully and be sure you don't get any into the carb/intake manifold where you don't want it. A rag below the repair would be a good idea as long as you can pull it out after the product dries. Be careful, this stuff can be messy and difficult or impossible to remove once dry.

I have never tried this on a carb but have had much success with other repairs. Anyone see any problems attempting this repair?