Mercruiser 3.0 I/O winterized...


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 13, 2001
1994 Starcraft 1710 with 3.0 Mercruiser I/O. This is my second season with this boat...just had it winterized with new gear lube and engine oil. I've read that I should leave the outdrive down to prevent the rubber bellows from deforming? I didn't do this last year because the boat is stored on the trailer during the winter. How about the water pump impeller/housing? Gimble bearing? U-Joints? I haven't had any major problems so far..the boat has run great and I hope to keep it that way. From what I understand this is a very common engine/outdrive combo and I could use some advice on preventive maintenance for the future. Unfortunatley the dealer I bought it from isn't very receptive to new boaters who buy used boats. I don't want to knock the place too's a busy place and they've been pretty good but then again, I'm not a mechanic either. Anyway...what do you guys think? Thanks...


Sep 23, 2001
Re: Mercruiser 3.0 I/O winterized...

Just did this work on my own similair model. The answer is, no, people are not typically replacing the gimball, impellar, or U-Joints as part of seasonal maintenance.<br /><br />Your manual will tell you to grease the U-Joints every 50hrs (or every season to be more practical), and that does require the outdrive be removed.<br /><br />The gimball can be replaced for under $100 if there's play in the main shaft or grinding. The U-Joints for under $50 if there's rumbling in turns or at specific trim settings.<br /><br />The impellar is a bit more involved. By separating the outdrive in half, the impellar can be accessed and replaced for around $100 if the boat has been running hot or doesn't show a good flow of cooling water. <br /><br />The total for these three operations at a shop may run anywhere from $400-$800 depending on what area of the country you're in.<br /><br />Again, only the gimball and impellar are ever performed as routine actions once the outdrive is off, and to do them seasonally is overkill. Do get in there and grease the U-Joints each year as per the manual's recommendations.